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Outreach Endeavors for Neurology Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are pivotal in advancing medical science and healthcare outcomes, offering innovative treatments with life-changing potential, particularly in neurology, where conditions like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's present significant challenges. Yet, community engagement remains a hurdle. In Lake County, Ohio, commendable community outreach efforts are underway to bridge this gap, enabling residents to access cutting-edge treatments and contribute to neurology research progress.

Nestled in Ohio, Lake County boasts vibrant communities and diverse demographics, making it an ideal hub for community-based initiatives promoting healthcare and research participation. Neurology clinical trial centers actively collaborate with local stakeholders to enhance awareness and involvement in research endeavors. This collaborative effort was made possible with the support of Rajeet Shrestha, MD, Site PI for ADRD trials, and Dave Haney, Research Manager for Neurology. Srishti Ahuja, MD, MS, a Clinical Research Specialist, from the Park East team, took the lead in covering these community outreach events in Lake County.

coordinator at research eventWe participated in the Alzheimer’s walk at Lake Farm Park, finding solace in the serene atmosphere and shared determination. The day buzzed with energy as we engaged in discussions about research and support services. Additionally, at the community outreach event at Harvey High, we offered Brain tours with a large inflatable brain walk and discussed ADRD trials, complemented by the presence of Clinical Trials Research Bus. Finally, focusing on minority recruitment, we attended the Cinco de Mayo event at Lake County, which proved to be a delightful and engaging opportunity

Through partnerships, education, and technological innovation, barriers to clinical trial participation are dismantled in Lake County, Ohio, while fostering a spirit of compassion, resilience, and innovation. Each participant not only advances medical science but also offers hope to future generations dealing with neurological disorders, illuminating the path towards a brighter future for neurology research and patient care.