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Calcium Score Blood Draw Study

Harrington Heart and Vascular Institute Biorepository Blood Draw for Calcium Scoring Patients

nurse drawing blood from a patient
AGE: >18 years old
TYPE: Biospecimen Collection Study
CONDITION: Cardiovascular Disease

Learn More About This Research Study

For more information, please contact Heidi Osborne, MS, the study coordinator at 216-844-2833 or complete the online form below.

Study Purpose

The purpose of this study is to collect samples and data to further medical research studies. We are requesting permission to collect samples of a participant’s blood and/or saliva, perform data analysis on the collected samples, collect information about the participant and use the samples and information for research purposes. The information gained from these studies may lead to new treatments or more accurate testing to improve the diagnosis process.

Who Can Participate

Participants 18 years and older who have are referred to have a cardiac CT or had a cardiac CT beginning 1/1/2014.

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