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Exact Sciences 2019-01 BLUE-C Study

This study is currently closed to enrollment.

Exact Sciences Protocol 2019-01: "Clinical Validation of an Optimized Multi-Target Stool DNA (Mt-sDNA 2.0) Test, For Colorectal Cancer Screening BLUE-C"

Colorectal Cancer
AGE: ≥65 years old
TYPE: Observational Study, Blood Collection, Stool Sample
CONDITION: Colorectal Cancer

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the ability of the Exact Sciences mt-sDNA 2.0 stool screening test to accurately and reliably detect colorectal cancer and pre-cancer in subjects 65 years and older, when compared with the other standard ways to screen for colorectal cancer, such as with a fecal immunochemical test or a colonoscopy procedure.