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Cancer of the Pancreas Screening-5 Study (CAPS5)

AGE: > 18 years old
CONDITION: Pancreatic Cancer

Learn More About This Research Study

Please call Nancy Furey, study coordinator, at 216-844-7314 for more information or complete the online form below.

Purpose of the Study

ERC EUS FNA comboThe objective of this study is to identify early markers of pancreatic cancer and other pancreatic abnormalities that are detectable before any symptoms of disease are apparent. The study enrolls individuals considered to be at high risk for developing pancreatic cancer due to genetic mutations and/or family history. It works in conjunction with regularly scheduled, standard of care Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) and MRI procedures. Annual surveillance with one of these procedures is generally considered to be standard of care for individuals at high risk for pancreatic cancer.

Who Can Participate

Participants 18 years and older who have a family history and/or genetic predisposition to pancreatic cancer may be eligible for this study.


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