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Incontinence & Bladder Control

Urethral Bulking for the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the involuntary leakage of urine during any physical activity that puts pressure on the bladder, which may include coughing, laughing, sneezing or heavy lifting. It is the most common type of female urinary incontinence and is most common in women under 50 years of age. The urology experts at University Hospitals provide the most advanced treatments available to manage SUI, including urethral bulking procedures.

Request an Appointment with a Urology Specialist

To learn more about urethral fillers and urethral bulking procedures for the treatment of urinary incontinence, call 440-745-5983 to schedule a consultation with one of our highly trained experts.

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Treating SUI with Urethral Fillers

Stress urinary incontinence in women is often caused by tissue or nerve damage that occurs during childbirth. Pregnancy and delivery can weaken both the pelvic floor muscles and the urinary sphincter – a valve-like muscle in the tube that carries urine out of the body (urethra). When the sphincter is working properly it serves to keep urine in the bladder until you can reach a bathroom. If these muscles lose strength, involuntary urine leakage (SUI) can occur, either immediately after delivery or years later, particularly after multiple pregnancies/births.

Urethral fillers work by injecting bulking agents into wall of the urethra to add volume and help keep the sphincter closed to prevent urine leakage. The 10-15 minute procedure involves 3-4 injections and is typically done under local anesthetic. It can be performed in the doctor’s office or in an operating room, depending on the patient’s preference and comfort level. There is almost no recovery time needed and many patients resume their regular activities the next day.

Bulkamid – The Latest Advancement in Urethral Fillers

The urology experts at University Hospitals use Bulkamid, the most advanced urethral filler available. Older bulking materials were made up of tiny sphere-shaped particles that worked about 70 percent of the time immediately after the procedure, but lost effectiveness after only two or three years. In some cases, the procedure did not work at all.

Bulkamid is unique to other agents in that it is more than 90 percent water. The smooth, water-based gel maintains its volume over time without causing any reactions in the surrounding tissue and, most women see durable, longer-lasting results. Studies show that 7-10 years after the procedure, most women still report effective resolution of their SUI symptoms – a success rate that is similar to surgery.

In addition, the delivery mechanism for Bulkamid is a custom-made scope for improved visualization in the urethra, allowing the doctor to deliver the injection precisely at the desired location.

Good Candidates for Bulkamid

Although sling surgery remains the gold standard for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence, not all women want, or are candidates for, surgery. Bulkamid may be a good alternative for:

  • Younger women in their childbearing years who still want to get pregnant
  • Women who are not of childbearing age but have symptoms of SUI
  • Women who have already had sling surgery and experienced some improvement but not complete resolution of symptoms
  • Women who have urinary sphincter dysfunction
  • Women who cannot have surgery due to other medical conditions

Request an Appointment with a Urology Specialist

Our highly trained experts in urinary incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction are here to help. Regardless of your needs, our care team can design a personalized care plan that helps you return to activities with family and friends without worry. Call 440-745-5983 to schedule an appointment today.

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