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Transplant Services Patient Stories

Showing    of 8 results

Double lung transplant patient Timothy Gruhn

A Double Lung Transplant to a 5K Race Within 5 Months

Timothy Gruhn’s recovery from double lung transplant wasn’t easy or without setbacks, but with persistence, he completed a 5k race just four months after his surgery.

Ron Russ poses outside

The Hero He Never Met

A 47-year-old man with pulmonary fibrosis is grateful to the hero he never met following a successful double-lung transplant at University Hospitals.

”Jojo” Jones pictured before and after his kidney transplant procedure

Toddler Thrives After Receiving Kidney Transplant at UH Rainbow

After receiving a kidney transplant at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, one-and-a-half-year-old Josiah “Jojo” Jones is full of energy and doing great.

Faith Parsons on her wedding day

Organ Donor Pays Life Forward

Several grateful individuals gained new organs thanks to an important conversation 25-year-old Faith Parsons had with her husband of just one year.

University Hospitals

Young Woman Receives a Life-Saving Transplant After Her Aunt Donates a Kidney

Eight years ago, Kaylin Cassity went to University Hospitals Samaritan Medical Center in Ashland because she had been experiencing persistent headaches and nausea. According to Kaylin, that visit turned out to be truly life-saving.

Juanita Legere

Liver Transplant Story

Juanita had her liver transplant after being diagnosed with fulminant liver failure during her third pregnancy. Her baby was born in the UH medical ICU and is doing well today.

John Matrorell

Living With a New Heart

John had his heart transplant at University Hospitals. He loves spending time with his family and having parties. His step daughter is a nurse in the CICU at UH.

Patricia Reed

Transplant Story

Patricia met her organ donor while telling a story at work. The two have since become friends who travel together every year.

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