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Pulmonary & Sleep Patient Stories

Showing    of 19 results

Sam Elkurd standing outside

Custom 3-D Airway Stent Restores Patient’s Quality of Life

When traditional airway stents won’t work, experts at University Hospitals can create custom, anatomy-specific stents for better patient outcomes.

Ron Russ poses outside

The Hero He Never Met

A 47-year-old man with pulmonary fibrosis is grateful to the hero he never met following a successful double-lung transplant at University Hospitals.

Wendy DiDomenico outside on a chilly day

Heart Test Finds Lung Mass

A Medina Country resident is doing well after the surgical removal of a lung tumor that was discovered during a coronary calcium score.

Dan Yung on the water on a sunny day

After 45 Years of Unexplained Symptoms, Ohio Man Finds Relief at UH

Experts at University Hospitals collaborate to successfully diagnose and treat 70-year-old Dan Yung’s persistent and mystifying digestive and respiratory symptoms.

Ryan Rogers (left) poses with his family

Astonished by Inspire

Ryan Rogers suffered from unrestful sleep for decades. When diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, he had an Inspire device implanted at UH – and was astonished by the results.

Smiling woman and man dancing

Woman’s Sleep Disorder Diagnoses Lead to Better Quality Sleep

Shannon Neme’s snoring led to an obstructive sleep apnea diagnosis, but her continued exhaustion pointed to a secondary sleep disorder as well.

Rocco Greco stands outdoors on a sunny day

Patient Faces Life Post-COVID with Help from Post-ICU Recovery Clinic at University Hospitals

After receiving intensive care for COVID-19 complications, Rocco Greco is feeling better with the help of the Post-ICU Recovery Clinic at University Hospitals.

Christine Ash enjoys the outdoors

New Innovation Holds Promise in Fighting Lung Cancer

Christine Ash struggled with recurring lung cancer for nearly 20 years. After her doctor identified a concerning spot in her lung, in a tricky place that would traditionally be difficult to reach, new technology was used at UH to get the tissue.

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