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Skilled Surgeons at Center for Microsurgery Performs Bone/Soft Tissue Flap Surgery

The Center for Microsurgery at University Hospitals is led by acclaimed fellowship-trained surgeons who are highly skilled in bone/soft tissue flap surgery for patients with injuries or deformities.

A Comprehensive Approach to Treatment

Our experienced surgeons use a comprehensive, team approach at the Center for Microsurgery. The board-certified surgeons consult with the patient, and a highly trained group of UH health care experts, including doctors, nurses, and anesthesiologists, reviews and discusses each case to provide the very best care possible to meet the patient’s unique needs.

Specialists in Bone/Soft Tissue Flap Surgery

Bone/soft tissue flap surgery is often used when the bone and overlying skin are transported to a new site on the body. Tissue transfer surgery may be used for reconstruction of cancer deformities, as the surgeon moves expandable tissue from one area of the body to the defective area.

In addition, this surgery is similar to doing transplant surgery in the same person, as the surgeon reconstructs or reattaches nerves or other body parts.