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Specializing in Inventive Congenital Hand Deformity Surgery and Treatment

The Center for Hand Surgery at University Hospitals Department of Plastic Surgery in Cleveland, Ohio, provides inventive congenital hand deformity surgery and treatments.

Patient History and Examination

Early consultation with a hand surgeon is an important part of the treatment process for a child born with a congenital hand deformity.

Even if reconstructive hand surgery is not a possibility, there are many different types of prosthetic devices that can be used to treat congenital hand deformities and increase function.

A physician at the Center for Hand Surgery determines specific congenital hand deformity treatments, which may be based on the following criteria:

  • The child's age, overall health, and medical history
  • Extent of the congenital hand deformity
  • Cause of the congenital hand deformity
  • The child's tolerance for specific medications, procedures or therapies
  • Expectations for the congenital hand deformity
  • The parent’s opinion or preference

Congenital Hand Deformity Surgery

At the Center for Hand Surgery, congenital hand deformity treatments and surgery may include:

  • Limb manipulation and stretching
  • Splinting of the affected limbs
  • Tendon transfers
  • External appliances to help realign misshapen digits or hands
  • Physical therapy to help increase the strength and function of the hand
  • Correction of contractures
  • Skin grafts, which involves replacing or attaching skin to a part of the hand that is missing skin or has been removed during a procedure
  • Prosthetics that may be used when surgery is not an option, or in addition to congenital hand deformity surgery