Symptoms That Can Be Signs of Dry Eye Disease
If you experience one or more of the following symptoms you may be suffering from dry eye disease:
- Eye and eyelid irritation (foreign body sensation like an eyelash or grain of sand)
- Itchiness of the eye
- Stinging/burning of the eye
- Dryness of the eye
- Tearing of the eyes
- Red or bloodshot eyes
- Blurry vision
- Frequent styes
- Waxing and waning symptoms
- Eye fatigue and heaviness
What causes dry eye symptoms to occur?
- Not producing enough tears (auto-immune disorders)
- Producing enough tears however the tears are not staying on the eye and are evaporating too quickly (commonly caused by rosacea, blepharitis, or environmental factors)
- Eyelid positioning (eyelids that do not close all the way)