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Follistim and Menopur for Intramuscular (IM) Injection

Questions about Medications or Instructions

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Follistim and Menopur for Intramuscular (IM) Injection

Special Considerations: Rotate injection sites. Inject into the deltoid muscle.

Follistim Storage: Cartridges that have not been punctured must remain refrigerated and may be used until the manufacturer’s expiration date. However, once you start using a cartridge, it must be used within 28 days of the date it was punctured. Once you start using a cartridge, you may refrigerate it or it may be left at room temperature.

Menopur Storage: Store at room temperature. Must be used immediately after reconstituting/mixing.

Supplies: 3 mL syringe, 25 gauge 11⁄2 inch needle for injection, Q-cap, Follistim pen with pen needles, alcohol swabs.


  1. Prepare Follistim and Menopur:
    1. Place Follistim cartridge into Follistim pen and dial up to correct dose.
    2. Mix Menopur as directed.
    3. Refer back to instructions for Follistim and Menopur and prepare as directed.
  2. Mix Follistim and Menopur:
    1. Dial up to the correct dose of Follistim on Follistim pen and attach pen needle.
    2. Clean the already mixed vial of Menopur with an alcohol swab.
    3. Inject the Follistim dose into the vial of already mixed Menopur. Swirl vial gently to mix.
    4. Attach 25 gauge 1 ½ inch needle to a 3 mL syringe.
    5. Clean top of vial with both medications in it with an alcohol swab.
    6. Puncture vial with Follistim and Menopur and draw up all fluid in the vial for injection.
  3. Administration of Follistim and Menopur:
    1. Choose an injection site on your deltoid (see image).
    2. Clean the area with an alcohol swab and allow to dry.
    3. Insert the needle straight into the skin – do not go in at an angle.
    4. Push the plunger all the way down, then wait 5 seconds before removing the needle from the skin.
    5. Rotate injection sites from day to day.