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The Science of Health Heart & Vascular Blog

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woman checks blood pressure at home

How Blood Pressure Treatment Is Different for African Americans

African Americans have higher rates of high blood pressure than other groups, and often need different medications to keep it under control.

Loving senior couple drinking healthy smoothie in the kitchen at home

Plant-Based Diets Can Boost Mood, Exercise & Sex

Your diet can affect more than just cholesterol, blood sugar and body weight. It may also influence your mood, your athletic performance and your sex life.

Smiling man looking away with male friends in background at exercise class

Is It Safe for People With Heart Disease to Exercise?

Most people know that exercise is important for your health. But for people with heart disease, questions about safety can raise concerns.

A person puts a round container in their back jeans pocket.

Nicotine Pouches: What to Know About the Latest Trend

Often marketed to appeal to young adults and downplay side effects like lung cancer, other concerns about the pouches remain.

A man doing a plank exercise at the gym

Can Intense Exercise Put Your Heart at Risk?

Getting regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your heart. But for some, extreme exercise can pose a risk to heart health.

An active senior practices Tai Chi in a park

The Benefits of Tai Chi for Heart Health

A recent study found that tai chi is equally or more effective than aerobic exercise for lowering blood pressure.

A middle-aged woman sits up on an exam table for a check-up with a nurse facing her

Should You Worry About Mini-Strokes?

While the immediate effects of a mini-stroke aren’t worrisome, they can be an important warning sign.

A female doctor checking the lungs of a male patient with a stethoscope

Hazardous Substances Raise Risk of Interstitial Lung Diseases

The large group of diseases can cause progressive scarring of lung tissue and rob a person’s ability to get enough oxygen.

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