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Osteoporosis is a disease that causes weak, thinning bones. This leaves the bones at greater risk of breaking. The bones most often affected are the hips, spine, and wrists.

Many people are unaware they have osteoporosis until they have advanced symptoms, which may include a broken hip or wrist, low back pain, or a hunched back.

A hip fracture is a break in the thigh bone (femur) of your hip joint. The majority happen to people older than 60 years of age, and women get more hip fractures than men.

Kyphoplasty is a procedure used to treat fractures or breaks in the vertebrae. It involves injecting a cement-like material into the vertebra to make it more stable.

Vertebroplasty is a procedure used to treat fractures or breaks in the vertebrae. In this procedure, a thick cement mixture is injected into a fractured vertebra to stabilize the spine.