Take the Hearing Quiz
Hearing loss can occur for many reasons. Sometimes it occurs as people age. Sometimes it occurs after a long exposure to loud sounds. Learn more about hearing and hearing loss by taking this quiz.
1. After years of exposure to a humming refrigerator, people can develop hearing loss.
2. A sudden loud sound such as an explosion can damage the ear, as can long-term exposure
to high levels of sound.
3. If a sudden loud noise only temporarily harms the ear, hearing
will return in about 8 hours.
4. More than 30 million Americans are exposed to hazardous sound levels on a regular
basis. Most of these noisy environments occur at the work site.
5. The best way to prevent noise-induced hearing loss is to wear special earplugs
or earmuffs.
6. Children don't need to be as careful of loud noises as
7. For people who develop noise-induced hearing loss, medicine
can reverse the damage.
8. It's often hard for a person exposed to long-term high noise
levels to realize that a hearing loss has occurred.