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Clinical Nutrition Services

Healthy Eating During a Quarantine

Tips for Meal Planning and Shopping

  • Meal prep for the week and freeze any leftovers. Make a list of your favorite recipes that freeze well, like chili, soup and casseroles.
  • Make a plan for grocery shopping. Take inventory of your pantry before shopping. Use apps/websites like supercook.com that will suggest recipes based on items already in your fridge and pantry. Only buy what you need.
  • Prioritize eating fresh foods first. The first week after grocery shopping, plan meals that use fresh produce before it goes bad.
  • Buy canned. Canned vegetables, beans, chicken and salmon are great sources. Watch out for sodium in your canned foods. Rinse canned food before eating.
  • Buy frozen. Frozen veggies have the same nutrient content as fresh – sometimes even more because they are frozen within hours of picking.

Things to Increase


  • Helps keep you full
  • Aids in digestion


  • Stay hydrated throughout the day
  • Limit sugar-sweetened beverages
  • Try sparkling or fruit infused water

Fruits and Vegetables

  • Aim to include fruits and vegetables in each meal
  • Use fresh, canned or frozen
  • Add seasonings and spices for extra flavor

Things to Decrease


  • Experiment with fresh or dried herbs and spices for added flavor instead


  • Stick to standard drink sizes:
    12 oz. beer, 4-5 oz. wine, 1 shot liquor
  • No more than one drink per day for women, two for men


  • Avoid eating excess added sugar – check nutrition labels
  • Less than 6 teaspoons per day for women
  • Less than 9 teaspoons per day for men

Tips for Mindful Eating

  • Don’t ignore your cravings. Don’t completely restrict yourself! Feel free to enjoy sweets, but don’t overindulge.
  • Watch your portion sizes. Look at the serving size on the nutrition label for guidance. Pour out your portion into a bowl instead of grabbing the whole bag. One cup of chips is about the size of a fist.
  • Stick to a schedule. Don’t skip meals.
  • Eat without distractions. It can be easy to eat mindlessly in front of the TV, in bed or at your desk but try to stick to set eating times in the kitchen or dining room.
  • Find other coping activities. If you are not physically hungry, try out other coping activities to deal with emotions. For example, some healthy ways to deal with stress are to take a socially distanced walk, do an online workout class or meditation, or video chat a loved one.
  • Enjoy family meal times. Family meals are an important chance for parents to be role models for healthy eating, to strengthen family relationships and create a sense of belonging.

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