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Low FODMAP Diet for Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Small changes to your diet can help you control your bloating, gas, abdominal pain, constipation and diarrhea. After evaluation by your doctor or gastroenterologist, the low FODMAP diet may be recommended for you as a way to manage your symptoms.

FODMAP stands for "fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols." These are types of carbohydrates found in many foods that may not be digested normally in people with IBS. A diet that avoids high FODMAP foods can provide relief of symptoms for many people.

Try these simple substitutions for two weeks and see if your symptoms improve. If you feel better, you can make an appointment with one of our dietitians to learn more about this dietary approach for managing IBS and further decrease your symptoms.

High FODMAP Foods to Avoid Low FODMAP Foods Recommended
Cows's milk, yogurt, ice cream, cottage cheese, non-aged cheese, soy milk Lactose-free milk, yogurt or ice cream; almond milk, Kefir, aged cheeses, including Cheddar, Swiss, Colby-Jack, Brie, Parmesan, Havarti
Apples, pears, cherries, peaches, prunes, apricots, mangos, watermelon, blackberries, dried fruit, fruit juice, trail mix Half of a small banana, one clementine, half-cup serving of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, pineapple, cantaloupe, honeydew, kiwi, grapefruit
Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, sweet corn, asparagus, celery, hummus, canned, baked or refried beans Leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, red or yellow bell pepper, white potatoes, eggplant, kohlrabi, radishes, spaghetti squash, beets (canned or pickled), half-cup serving of green beans, chickpeas, lentils (canned and drained only) or edamame, firm tofu
Bread and Grains  
Regular wheat or rye bread; cereals and crackers made with wheat; high-fiber bars Popcorn; gluten-free breads and pasta; cooked rice, quinoa and quinoa pasta; cold quinoa flakes cereal; hot cooked rice cereal; grits; quarter-cup dry oatmeal; cornmeal and corn flour; corn tortilla chips; polenta; rice crackers
Desserts and Sweets  
Sugar-free candy, gum, supplements or shake mixes sweetened with sorbitol, mannitol or xylitol; milk chocolate Small portions of items sweetened with sugar, one tablespoon 100 percent pure maple syrup or stevia; half-cup sorbet; one ounce of dark or semi-sweet chocolate
Nuts, Garnishes and Seasonings  
Pistachios, cashews, garlic, onions, catsup, commercial salad dressings Two-tablespoon serving of all other nuts, seeds and nut butters; chives, scallions (green tops only), leafy herbs, ginger, vinegar, mustard, lemon or lime, black pepper, olive oil, red or green chiles, cinnamon, nutmeg, paprika, tomato paste, allspice
Rum, champagne, fortified wines, beverages, syrups or condiments sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup (regular soda, sweet tea), honey, agave, coffee drinks with milk or soy milk, chamomile tea Small portions of beer, wine, gin, vodka or whiskey; small portions of beverages sweetened with sugar, 100 percent maple syrup or stevia; espresso (black); eight ounces of filtered coffee, green or peppermint tea; weakly brewed black tea
    Breakfast     Lunch    Dinner
One slice gluten-free bread
One tablespoon peanut butter
Lactose-free cottage cheese or yogurt
Half-cup blueberries
Baked chicken
Half baked sweet potato
Half-cup green beans
Sliced fresh tomato
Lactose-free milk
Fajitas, including grilled chicken, fish or steak with sauteed red & yellow peppers
Corn tortilla
Fresh chopped tomato & cilantro
One tablespoon sour cream
Omelet with baby spinach & cheddar cheese
Home fries or 2 slices of gluten-free toast
Half-cup orange juice
Homemade chicken & rice soup with carrots, red bell pepper, spinach & tomatoes
Half-cup fresh grapes
Rice crackers
Grilled fish, steak or chicken
Salad with lettuce, two tablespoons walnuts, scallions, cucumbers, tomato, hard-boiled egg & cheddar cheese
Oil & vinegar dressing seasoned with salt & pepper
Smoothie made with lactose-free yogurt or kefir, half-cup frozen strawberries, egg white protein powder & ice cubes Sandwich with gluten-free bread, turkey, lettuce & mayo
Corn ships
Iced tea with stevia
Baked fish
Brown rice with olive oil
Roasted carrots
Lactose-free ice cream
Half-cup strawberries

Snack Ideas

  • Tortilla chips
  • Cheddar cheese
  • Medium orange
  • Carrot sticks
  • Hard-boiled egg
  • Popcorn
  • One packet instant oatmeal
  • Half banana
  • Lactose-free milk

Low FODMAP Brand Name Food Suggestions

Udi's White Sandwich Bread; Whole Foods Pain au Levain; Trader Joe's Tuscan Pane or San Francisco-Style Sourdough Bread

Lactaid milk, cottage cheese and ice cream; Fairlife milk; Lifeway Kefir (plain, Madagascar vanilla, coconut chia); Yoplait YQ; 8th Continent Soymilk (original, light or fat free); Almond Dream unsweetened almond milk; Silk unsweetened almond milk

Ancient Harvest corn/quinoa pasta; Ronzoni gluten-free pastas; Trader Joe's rice pasta

Progresso Low-Sodium Chicken Broth; Trader Joe's Savory Broth Chicken-Flavor liquid concentrate pouches

Organic Valley Organic Balance Protein Shakes (vanilla, chocolate); Trader Joe's egg white powder, unflavored

Low FODMAP Internet Resources:

IBS: Free at Last website: IbsFree.net
Author and registered dietitian Patsy Catsos, has granted permission to publish this information for educational purposes only. She has written several cookbooks and guides that outline in detail the FODMAP diet approach.

Manufacturer of low FODMAP certified foods.
FODY foods: FodyFoods.com | Stellar Labs: StellarLabsNutrition.com | Casa de Sante: CasaDeSante.com

Low FODMAP app:
Monash University FODMAP Diet: Available from the Apple App store and Google Play Store. Each to use phone app guides you on low FODMAP food choices. Monash is the source of the original research on FODMAP.

For more information on FODMAP and other clinical nutrition services, contact:

UH Outpatient Nutrition Services at 216-220-9529.
Services available at UH Cleveland Medical Center, UH Ahuja Medical Center, UH Minoff at Chagrin Highlands, Landerbrook, Medina, Solon and Westlake health centers and the W.O. Walker Center in Cleveland.