Other Resources for Cancer Patients and Their Families
These are free local and national resources that may be helpful to cancer patients and their loved one. Please call or visit their websites for more information.
The Gathering Place
The Gathering Place is a local support center for cancer patients and their loved ones. All programs and services are free, and they include:
- Children and family programs
- Counseling
- Exercise classes
- Gentle movement
- Hairpeace Wig Salon
- Hands-on cooking classes
- Lending library
- Support groups
The Gathering Place has offices in Beachwood and Westlake. For more information, call 216-595-9546 or visit www.touchedbycancer.org.
Stewart’s Caring Place
Stewart’s Caring Place is a cancer wellness center that provide free support services to individuals and families touched by cancer. Their programs and services include:
- Community referrals
- Counseling and support groups
- Lectures and workshops
- Legal consults for wills, trusts, estate planning, Social Security and disability
- Massage therapy and exercise classes
- Meditative garden
- Nutrition and physical therapy consults
- Resource center
- Wigs
Stewart’s Caring Place serves Summit, Medina, Stark, Portage and Wayne counties. For more info, call 330-836-1772 or visit www.stewartscaringplace.org.
Fertility Concerns
FertileHope is a national LIVESTRONG initiative that provides reproductive information, support and hope to cancer patients and survivors. For more information call 855-220-7777 or visit www.fertilehope.org.
Hospice and Palliative Care Information
Caring Connections – provides people with information and support when they are planning ahead, caring for a loved one or living with an illness. A free service of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). 1-800-658-8898 or www.caringinfo.org
More Resources
- American Cancer Society: 800-227-2345 or www.cancer.org
- Komen for the Cure (Breast Cancer): 877-465-6636 or www.komen.org
- LIVESTRONG: 855-220-7777 or www.livestrong.org
- Leukemia and Lymphoma Society: 800-955-4572 or www.lls.org
- The United Way: 216-436-2000 or 2-1-1 or www.211unitedway.org