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Expert Psychiatric Care for Seniors

Life expectancy has increased dramatically in the United States, from 49 years in 1900 to 76.5 years today. At least 12 percent of older adults in the community have diagnosable mental disorders, and 30 to 50 percent of the elderly in medical settings have mental disorders.

People with serious mental illness (SMI) are living longer. Because of this, they are experiencing the complications of aging and behavioral components of illnesses brought on by old age and reactions to medications.

As a result, the need for mental health services for the elderly has grown.

To meet the need created by longer life spans and older adults with both physical and mental health disorders, the University Hospitals Department of Psychiatry offers specialized services for diagnosing and treating psychiatric disorders in older adults.

Additionally, the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease is expected to triple by the year 2040. Older adults experience the same broad spectrum of psychiatric problems as younger individuals. However there are some conditions which are of particular importance because of their increased frequency among older populations including dementia, depression and anxiety.

Outpatient Services:

Our program involves assessment and treatment of mental disorders for adults age 60 and older. We provide care to those with behavioral and mental disorders such as:

Available services include diagnostic assessment, psychopharmacologic management and psychotherapeutic interventions with respect to later-life developmental processes. Our clinicians emphasize care that is coordinated with primary and specialty care medical providers in conjunction with families and available support services.

Inpatient Services:

The inpatient program consists of a unit housed at University Hospitals Parma Medical Center. Inpatient psychiatric services involve stabilization of acute illness with multidisciplinary evaluation and treatment for older adults. We offer a warm and receiving environment with staff that is kind and personable. Our team collaborates with the patient’s primary care provider and family in addition to specialists from other medical service.

For More Information about Specialized Care for Older Adults

If you have concerns or questions about the mental health of a loved one, call 216-844-2400.