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UH Research and Innovation Day 2020

UH Research and Education Institution, partnering with UH Ventures, hosted UH Research and Innovation Day on October 29, 2020, a virtual conference to explore New Frontiers in Brain Health. Explore the brain health presentations below.


  • Mukesh K. Jain, MD: UH Academic Overview
  • Virginia M.-Y. Lee, PhD, MBA: Transmission of Misfolded Proteins in Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Common Mechanism of Disease Progression
  • Paul Tesar, PhD: Advancing Therapies for Myelin Regeneration
  • Yeojung Koh, MS: Neuroprotective Efficacy of 15-Hydroxyprostaglandin Dehydrogenase Inhibition in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Andrew Pieper, MD, PhD: Discovery and Advancement of Neuroprotective Strategies
  • Aasef Shaikh, MD, PhD: Neuromodulation for Visual Perception and Action
  • Martha Sajatovic, MD: Research on Self-Management Approaches for Mental and Physical Health Among Individuals with Chronic Disorders of the Brain
  • Marissa Rosenberg, PhD: Center How Gravity Transitions Affect the Neurovestibular System
  • Vanessa El Kamari, MD Neurocognitive Dysfunction, Inflammation, and Adiposity in Treated HIV-Infected Adults
  • Brian Rothstein, MD, Warren Selman, MD, Mark Griswold, PhD, Erin Henninger, MBA: A Neurosurgeon’s Mixed Reality: The Journey from Virtual to Augmented Reality in Neurosurgery and Beyond
  • UH Ventures & Plug and Play's Startup Showcase Presenters
    • Jeff Klass, CEO - Sense Neuro Diagnostics
    • Mylea Charvat, MD - Savonix
    • Rachel Kuperman, MD - EYSZ

Explore the Brain Health Presentations