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Lung Immunity to COVID-19

Pulmonary and systemic immune responses to SARS-CoV-2

lung illustration with covid virus
AGE: > 18-60 years old
TYPE: Observational Study
LOCATIONS: UH Cleveland Medical Center

Learn More About This Research Study

Please call Jessica Jarvela, study coordinator, at 216-368-0531 for more information or complete the online form below.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to understand how the body’s immune system responds to SARS-CoV-2.

Who Can Participate

Participants between 18-60 years old who are nonsmokers and have had a past positive COVID-19 test or had the COVID-19 vaccine may be eligible for this study. Participants who have not tested positive for COVID-19 are also eligible for this study as part of the control group.

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Study ID

  • 20200663