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First Aid for Seizures

  • Note the time seizure started, how long it lasted and the length of recovery time.
  • Ask someone to contact the school nurse (if in school) and/or parents.
  • Lay the child on a flat surface. If the child is sitting in a wheelchair, keep him/her in the wheelchair.
  • Turn the child on his/her side to prevent aspiration of secretions.
  • Keep the airway clear and open.
  • Never place anything in the child’s mouth.
  • Loosen tight-fitting clothing, and remove glasses and any nearby hazards.
  • Cushion the head and other body parts, if needed, to minimize injury.
  • Do not hold the child down or use anything to limit movements during a seizure.
  • Observe the child during the seizure, while continuing to keep him/her safe.
  • Have rescue medication available if prescribed by the doctor.
  • Calmly stay with the child as he or she recovers from the seizure.
  • Offer help and comfort to aid in the child’s recovery.
  • Administer rescue medication if the physicianrecommended criteria are met.
  • Observe the child for any side effects that may be caused by the rescue medication.
  • Call 9-1-1 if:
    • Seizure lasts longer than five minutes if rescue medication is NOT prescribed or administered.
    • Seizure continues five minutes AFTER rescue medication is administered.

If you have any additional safety questions or concerns, please contact your epilepsy specialist.

Your child’s health is important. Get expert care.

To schedule an appointment with a UH Rainbow pediatric epileptologist, call 216-286-6644.