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Generalized Tonic Clonic Seizures

What is a generalized tonic clonic seizure?

A generalized tonic clonic seizure affects the whole body. It may start in the entire brain at the same time, or it can start in a certain area of the brain (focal seizure) and then evolve to a generalized seizure. When it begins, your child becomes unconscious. He or she does not feel any pain or discomfort. In fact, your child is not aware of what is happening. Next, the child becomes stiff. This is the “tonic” part of the seizure. Then the child begins to shake all over. This is the “clonic” part of the seizure. So, a generalized tonic-clonic seizure is a seizure where the child loses consciousness, becomes stiff, and then has jerking movements of the body. Sometimes during a seizure there may be loss of bladder or bowel control.

Your child’s health is important. Get expert care.

To schedule an appointment with a UH Rainbow pediatric epileptologist, call 216-286-6644.

What happens after a seizure?

The brain uses lots of energy during the seizure. Many children are sleepy and confused afterward, because the brain needs to rest. Some children complain of a headache or trouble speaking. This is nothing to worry about. Allow your child to rest or sleep after a seizure. This will help the brain to recover more quickly and allow the child to resume normal activities.

What if my child has a seizure?

  • Stay calm.
  • Stay with your child and try to remember exactly what happens during the seizure.
  • Move the child to a flat, safe surface.
  • Turn the child’s head to one side, or turn the child on his or her side.
  • Do not try to put anything into the child’s mouth.It is not possible to swallow the tongue. Trying to force something into the mouth after the seizure has started can cause serious injury to the child.
  • Do not put your fingers into the child’s mouth. You can be seriously injured.
  • Do not restrain your child.Holding the child down or hugging tightly can injure the child or you.
  • If your child was prescribed rescue medication, administer it according to the recommendations from your doctor.
  • Call an ambulance if the seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, if your child turns blue, or if the seizure continues 5 minutes after rescue medication was administered.
  • Put something soft under your child’s head. Loosen any tight clothing.

After the seizure

  • Stay with your child until he or she is awake and alert.
  • Comfort and reassure the child. Tell the child that he or she has had a seizure, that you are there, and that everything is okay.
  • Sometimes your child may have a headache or feel like his/her muscles are sore after a seizure.
  • May also see tongue biting with blood from the mouth, or vomiting.
  • Allow the child to sleep as needed.
  • Call the doctor. Tell the doctor about the seizure and ask for further instructions.

How to treat seizures

There are special medicines that can prevent seizures from happening. These medicines must be taken every day. The doctor will choose the best medicine for your child’s seizures. Missed doses of medicine can lower the medicine’s ability to prevent seizures. At these times, your child is more likely to have a seizure.

If you have questions or concerns about the medicine your child is taking, call the doctor. Do not stop giving the medicine without talking to the doctor first. This can cause your child to have a very long seizure, and he or she may have to be admitted to the hospital.

Some important things to know

  • More than one unprovoked seizure is called epilepsy. Epilepsy only means repeated unprovoked seizures, even if they are far apart. Ask your doctor if you have questions about epilepsy.
  • Once a seizure has started, it will usually stop all by itself. Nothing you can do will stop it or make the seizure less severe. Typically, generalized tonic clonic seizures last 1-3 minutes before they end on their own. If the seizure does not appear to stop after 3 minutes (or as advised by your doctor), administer rescue treatment as prescribed. Your doctor will advise you when you should call 9-1-1 for help.
  • Short seizures do not cause brain injury. If you are concerned that the seizures may harm your child, be sure to talk with the doctor about this.
  • It is possible to outgrow seizures if they begin in childhood. Ask your child’s doctor for more information.
  • Seizures are only a very small part of your child’s life. It is important that you treat your child normally, and encourage your child to live a normal life.
  • Some precautions that still need to be taken are:
    • Be sure your child is NEVER left in or near water without adult supervision.
    • Your child must also avoid heights (tree climbing, etc.). A seizure during these times can be very dangerous.
  • Seizures CANNOT be caused by telling your child “no.” Temper tantrums, over-activity or playing sports CANNOT make a seizure happen. A child may be more likely to have a seizure if he or she is ill, is not getting enough sleep, is not getting medicine regularly, or if exposure to alcohol or recreational drugs is suspected (for young adults).
  • Some children are more likely to have seizures when they are sick, especially if they have a fever. Ask your doctor if your child may have this problem.