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Integrated Vascular Residency Clinical Rotations

University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Integrated Vascular Residency Clinical Rotations are divided into two teams comprised of a fellow/senior resident, junior resident and a nurse practitioner. This allows for the senior trainee the opportunity to run his or her own service and the younger trainees to have support throughout their learning experience. A senior resident is on service while the fellow is training either at University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center or the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center. Our nurses provide a valuable resource to our trainees to facilitate their time in the operating room and also allow for continuity of care for our patients.

The vascular surgery service is comprised of:

  • A postgraduate year four (PGY4)
  • General or vascular
  • A postgraduate year one (PGY1)
  • General
  • Vascular
  • Anesthesia
  • Neurosurgery
  • Plastic surgery
  • Preliminary general surgery

The service covers thoracic surgery and vascular surgery services at MetroHealth Medical Center. There is a nurse practitioner who helps with outpatient clinic and the house staff is responsible for clinical care of inpatient vascular and thoracic surgery services. This is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in management of vascular trauma at a busy Level I Adult Trauma Center.

Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center: Wade Park Campus

There are four attending surgeons at the Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, which is located less than one mile from University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. This excellent open and endovascular operative rotation involves weekly clinic and preoperative planning conferences. The weekly clinics are run by the fellow and staff available to provide support. The weekly preoperative planning conferences are also run by the fellow and serve as an indications conference. Additionally, there is a monthly M&M conference. The service comprises either:

  • A fellow or senior resident
  • A mid-level resident
  • An intern
  • Three to five nurse practitioners

MetroHealth Medical Center

The vascular and thoracic surgery service is comprised of:

  • A postgraduate year four (PGY4)
  • General or vascular
  • A postgraduate year one (PGY1)
  • General
  • Vascular
  • Anesthesia
  • Neurosurgery
  • Plastic surgery
  • Preliminary general surgery

The service covers thoracic surgery and vascular surgery services at MetroHealth Medical Center. There is a nurse practitioner who helps with outpatient clinic and the house staff is responsible for clinical care of inpatient vascular and thoracic surgery services. This is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in management of vascular trauma at a busy Level I Adult Trauma Center.