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Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Medical Education

AED in 3

3 minutes to reach an AED

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If an athlete experiences sudden cardiac collapse, the goal from time of collapse to shock is 3 minutes or less. The goal of the AED in 3 challenge is to raise awareness about this importance of practicing and implementing at Emergency Action Plan.

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1<h3 class="UH-Feature-GenericContent-CtaBlock-Heading">Create an Emergency Action Plan</h3>
2<h3 class="UH-Feature-GenericContent-CtaBlock-Heading">Practice the Emergency Action Plan</h3>
3<h3 class="UH-Feature-GenericContent-CtaBlock-Heading">Goal: Reach an AED in 3 Minutes or Less</h3>

Step 1: Practice Your EAP

Practice Your EAP with the AED in 3 challenge: Time 3 different people (slow, medium and fast runner) running to the furthest point in each athletic venue to the designated AED and back, open the AED, turn it on (make sure the pads are not expired), and simulate attaching the pads.

  • The timer starts when you begin running, and stops when you get the AED back to the starting point.
  • Enter the times in the application on this website and then calculate the average time. If your calculated time (average time + 45 seconds [the time it takes to turn on the AED, attach the pads, analyze the rhythm, charge, and deliver the shock]) is more than 3 minutes, then you can apply for an additional AED.
    • The application automatically adds 45 seconds to your entered time to account for the time it takes to use the AED.

Over 3 minutes? Complete the application below and email your video via a YouTube link to: FRST@uhhospitals.org. The FRST selection committee will notify you as soon as possible once we have verified your video submission and application.

Step 2: Spread Awareness

Post a short video of your team/school, etc. doing the AED in 3 challenge on social media. Have fun with it by adding your mascot, challenge your rival school/team and help spread awareness about the AED.

Tag FRST & use #AEDin3 to help put player safety FRST and save lives.

A lab device used in genomic testing Watch now: Denzel Ward and Michael Salata, MD discuss the AED in 3 challenge.

Submit Your Application

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