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Osteopathic Track

Mary and Lou outside the American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine conference

As a formally AOA accredited program, we have made a smooth transition to an ACGME approved Osteopathic Track. Our track is seamlessly integrated into the remainder of our fellowship. We currently have four DO Sports Medicine faculty on staff who facilitate the teaching of Osteopathic Practices and Principles in all settings. Dr. Mary Solomon serves as our track director. We have multiple osteopathic faculty including Dr. Ben Boswell who is Emergency Medicine / Sports Medicine trained. Dr. Lou Leone serves as the east side Site Director who oversees primary care family medicine rotation for our Osteopathic Track fellows.

All our clinics emphasize OPP in the care of athletes. We also try to place fellows within a primary care clinic with a DO physician whenever possible. Our fellows participate in quarterly didactics aimed at bedside teaching of Osteopathic manipulation with our Sports Medicine faculty. A hospital wide monthly educational program focuses on both hands-on skills as well as journal club focused on Osteopathic Principles. Fellows on the Osteopathic Track also attend a three day long seminar sponsored by the Cleveland Academy of Osteopathic Medicine, held in Downtown Cleveland. Here, they serve as teachers for bedside manipulation.  Scholarly work is focused on OPP. Each fellow will focus on OPP topics for journal club, provide at least one academic talk with OPP incorporated, and submit a Sports Medicine case with OPP for the AOASM Annual Meeting.