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Letter From Our Program Manager

Jakesha Williams, MBA

Jakesha Williams, MBA

OBGYN Residency Program Manager

For any questions you may have about the residency program please contact me:

Jakesha Williams, MBA
Residency Program Manager
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
11100 Euclid Ave
Cleveland, OH 44106
Phone: 216-844-8551

About Jakesha

Hometown: Cleveland, OH
School/Degrees: Cleveland State University/ Bachelors in Health Science and an MBA with a concentration in Healthcare management.
Career/Research Interests: I’ve always loved managing things. This position will allow me to obtain some managerial skills, which I’m very much excited about. I’ve always dreamed of eventually owning some type of business, so who knows what will happen!
Personal Interests: Traveling
Movie: I love love stories. One of my favorite movies is “Love & Basketball”.
Books: I’ve never been much of a reader, but the last book I read was called “Empty out the negative” by Joel Osteen and I loved it. Highly recommend.
Coffee or Tea: Tea
Favorite restaurant in Cleveland: I don’t have a favorite restaurant. I’m a foodie. I love food and trying new things.
Favorite Thing to do in Cleveland: I love to go to the lake and walk. It is very relaxing for me.
Languages: English