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Residency & Fellowship Match Lists

Residency Match Lists

Strong Match Rates in Medicine's Most Competitive Fellowships

Our residents have done extremely well in matching to competitive fellowships, with greater than 95 percent getting one of their top choices. Our residents have done quite well in the most competitive areas such as cardiology, hematology/oncology and gastroenterology, and they have successfully matched in all fellowships available. We had an extremely strong fellowship match for our classes over the past five years with residents matching at the following:

  • Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
  • Duke Health
  • John Hopkins Medicine
  • Mayo Clinic
  • Northwestern Medicine
  • Stanford Health Care Hospital
  • UCLA Health
  • Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan
  • Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
  • Washington University

Our program has an excellent grasp on ways to prepare residents for the subspecialty match. Our subspecialty ward teams in cardiology, nephrology, geriatrics, gastroenterology, infectious diseases and hematology/oncology offer a unique opportunity for residents to work closely with subspecialty faculty and form close mentoring relationships, which is a tremendous asset in getting letters and advocacy for fellowships.

Fellowship Match Lists