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Leadership in Medical Education Pathway Experience

Haikoo Shah, MD

Why did you decide to apply for the LME pathway?

Haikoo Shah, MDThis track offered a structured curriculum that has helped me hone my skills in becoming an effective educator and leader. One of the central strengths of the CWRU/UH internal medicine residency program is the faculty. This pathway offered me the chance to work with the program leadership and build relationships with these mentors, which has been invaluable to my growth as a person and as a physician.

What has been your favorite part of the LME pathway so far?

My favorite part has been working with my co-residents to build the Transitions to Medicine Residency course for the fourth-year medical students at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. It's a two-week crash course for M4s that will be starting residency the following academic year. Working to create didactics, interactive patient cases, and simulation labs was an incredible learning experience and a good excuse to hang out with my co-residents.

Would you recommend the LME pathway for other residents interested in medical education?

The LME pathway opens a lot of doors for those of us pursuing academic medicine. We work closely with medical students which sharpens your foundational knowledge, develops essential communication skills, and overall makes you a better clinician. I highly recommend looking into this pathway!