Chairman's Message
Welcome to Believeland!
We are so proud to be part of the family of emergency medicine here in Cleveland and at University Hospitals. Emergency medicine is a community to which we - and you - have committed our professional lives and which I believe is one of the most rewarding careers you can choose. The specialty is committed to training physicians that can treat anyone, anytime, anywhere - and that takes skill, grit and humanity. These are the qualities we seek out in our nurses, our faculty, our residents and our students.
We believe in the pillars of our specialty - in being the best at resuscitation, diagnosis and advocacy. To do this we have recruited faculty from across the country who are clinicians with these pillars at their core. Our family here in Cleveland consists of experts across this broad specialty - toxicology, sports medicine, intensive care, ultrasound, population health, simulation, clinical knowledge translation, prehospital and disaster medicine, research, leadership and operations. Most important is that these faculty are committed to the education of the next generation - that is you. In order to bring the best and the brightest into the field, we believe it is essential that our faculty are 100% committed to your training so that the field of emergency medicine continues to make an indelible impact on how medicine is practiced - not just here in Cleveland but the world over.
In addition, we embrace the University Hospitals “home team” approach - that in order to practice emergency medicine effectively you have to be part of the community and take that citizenship as a core tenet of your practice. Your fellow citizens rely on your abilities and expertise and that responsibility is one we take seriously - it does not rest lightly and our commitment to you is that we put our soul into this effort.
This mission is achieved at University Hospitals with camaraderie and love. We work with the best nurses, advanced practice providers, respiratory therapists, pharmacists, social workers and administrative support personnel in the country. This team is what supports you when the going gets tough - or celebrates you when you achieve greatness. And the team is what gets you up in the morning - or at night - to do the job you were trained to do.
The next few decades will have their challenges - as all decades have. I have no doubt however that the #Believeland family is up to this challenge, and we can’t wait to see what your generation of emergency physicians can bring to the effort.
Vicki Noble, MD
Chair, Center for Emergency Medicine
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine