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Anesthesiology – Critical Care Medicine Combined Program

Training the Intensivists of Tomorrow

by Mada F. Helou, MD, Connor M. McNamara, MD, and Nicholas L. Pesa, MD.

The Department of Anesthesiology and Division of Critical Care is proud to offer a five-year tract for certification in anesthesiology and critical care medicine. The five-year program offers one ACGME accredited position each year and is specifically targeted towards applicants who are interested in pursuing a career as an anesthesiology-trained intensivist. The tract offers anesthesiology training with a focus on critical care. A traditional anesthesiology residency is completed by mid CA3 year with fellowship starting thereafter. Fellowship is then completed over the course of 18 months. Once the program is successfully completed, trainees are eligible for board certification through The American Board Anesthesiology for both anesthesiology and critical care medicine.

Our ICU fellowship offers a multi-disciplinary approach to critical care, including an extensive lecture and journal club series. Included in the fellowship is leadership training offered through Case Western Reserve University School Weatherhead School of Management. Both anesthesiology and emergency medicine trained intensivists staff our primary post-surgical units. Additional rotations include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Neurological Intensive Care Unit
  • Trauma Intensive Care Unit
  • Infectious Disease
  • Transfusion Medicine
  • Perfusion
  • Heart Failure Intensive Care Unit
  • Community Intensive Care Unit
  • Palliative Medicine
  • Burn Intensive Care Unit (at MetroHealth)
  • Perioperative Leadership and OR management
  • Transesophageal Echocardiography
  • Critical Care Ultrasound
  • Quality and Research