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UH Geauga Medical Center


Zane Giffen, MD
Zane Giffen, MD

Q: Can you tell the community a little bit about what you do day-to-day?

A: Urologists are surgical specialists who treat conditions related to all aspects of the urinary tract such as the kidneys, bladder, prostate and genitals. My time is split between the operating room and the clinic. The most common procedures I perform in the operating room include the treatment of kidney stones, enlarged prostates and removing cancerous growths from the urinary tract. In the office, I see patients with new and chronic conditions involving the urinary tract as well as perform minor procedures such as vasectomy, a procedure for male birth control, and cystoscopy, a diagnostic procedure that visualizes the urinary tract with a small camera.

Q: What types of urological issues do you solve?

A: I practice all aspects of general urology, and care for patients of all genders. I encourage community members to seek care if they have blood in the urine, problems with urination, pain in the flank or kidneys, difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection, or any other urologic issues.

Q: What drew you to UH Portage?

A: I grew up in Blairsville, Pennsylvania, a small town about 40 miles east of Pittsburgh. My wife, Kate, grew up in this area and we knew we wanted to relocate close to family. I was particularly drawn to UH Portage because it not only has a community atmosphere, but also has all of the resources and technology of a much larger hospital.

Q: Why did you choose the field of urology?

What drew me to urology over other surgical specialties was the urologists with whom I worked in medical school. They were compassionate caregivers who emphasized the importance of the patient-physician relationship and earning your patient’s trust. In urology, you often deal with issues that can be sensitive for patients to discuss, but that are extremely important for their genitourinary, sexual and overall health. I was also drawn to urology because of my engineering background. I am excited to implement new, evidence-based technologies into my clinical practice for the benefit of patients.

Dr. Giffen will be seeing patients at:

UH Portage Urology
3963 Loomis Parkway
Ravenna, OH 44266

Make an appointment today by calling 330-235-7070.