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Hospital Observation Program at UH Ahuja Medical Center

The Observation Program at UH Ahuja Medical Center is an opportunity for individuals who are interested in healthcare careers to shadow a hospital worker (sponsor) and learn more about a particular medical or surgical specialty. Applicants are required to complete an application, online compliance training, acquire a hospital sponsor, adhere to all health screening requirements and show proof of healthcare coverage.

Applicants interested in observing in an operating room (OR) must be at least 18 years of age. Observation experiences in an OR are limited to 10 experiences for students under the age of 21 in any one calendar year. To observe in the OR, you must also watch our OR video explaining our processes and take the OR quiz. Please turn in your quiz along with your completed application to the volunteer services coordinator.

Applying for UH Ahuja Observation Program

Applications are processed through an Observation Coordinator. Please review the chart below for the Observation Coordinator processing applications in your area of interest. Any area has the right to refuse an observation experience if it conflicts with department schedules or if no one is available to coordinate the experience. Applications can be obtained from the Observation Coordinator.

If you are a UH Ahuja Medical Center employee who wants to observe, you do not need to complete this process. Please make arrangements with your manager and sponsor.

Observation Coordinators

Name Email Address Area of Interest
Kayla Adams Kayla.Adams@UHhospitals.org Emergency Department
Joel Fenstermaker, PT, DPT Joel.Fenstermaker@UHhospitals.org Rehab Services
Lauren Gildner Lauren.Gildner@UHhospitals.org General Lab
Jamie Hart, PT, AT, DPT James.Hart@UHhospitals.org Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute, Physicians and Athletic Trainers
Adrienne Jones Adrienne.Jones@UHhospitals.org Radiology
Scott Kline, PT, DPT Scott.Kline@UHhospitals.org Rehab Services (Fairlawn location only)
Kristyn Kolenc Kristyn.Kolenc@UHhospitals.org Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute
Kayley Mitchell PT, DPT Kayley.Mitchell@UHhospitals.org Rehab Services (Drusinsky Sports Medicine Institute)
Mandy Odom, MSN, MHA Mandy.Odom@UHhospitals.org 4th floor ICU/SDU
Matthew Shaylor, RNFA, CNOR Matthew.Shaylor@UHhospitals.org Operating Room

If you are a University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center employee and are interested in becoming an Observation Coordinator for your area, please complete the LMS training course titled Observation Training GM-38 Online. Once completed and approved, your name and email address will be added to the list above for observers to contact.

Make an Appointment

Make an appointment with a medical professional at UH Ahuja Medical Center.
