Take the Senior Nutrition Quiz
Eating a healthy diet is essential for people of every age. But as you age, it's especially important. Take this quiz to find out how much you know about good nutrition.
1. As you grow older and become less active, you need fewer
nutrients in your diet.
2. Adults with food insecurity may be at less risk for bad health
outcomes compared to other groups of people.
3. A healthy diet includes plenty of whole grains, fruits, and
vegetables, with little saturated fat or added sugar.
4. When you go food shopping, you need to pay attention to the
serving size on the Nutrition Facts label.
5. Food poisoning may be more of a problem for older adults.
6. Healthy older adults should eat at least 30 grams of fiber
each day in a 2,000-calorie diet.
7. One way to keep food costs down and have a variety of foods in
your pantry is to buy generic brands instead of name brands.
8. If you are a vegetarian, you may need to take a supplement
for vitamins D and B-12 as you age.