What Do You Know About Working the Night Shift?
If you work the night shift, you face unique health and productivity challenges. Take this quiz to see how much you know about making the most of the night shift.
1. If you work at night, try to keep the same sleep schedule on
the days you work and the days you're off.
2. Making your bedroom as dark as possible can help improve your sleep.
3. Taking a nap before work may increase your alertness.
4. Some over-the-counter pain relievers and other medicines have
as much caffeine as 1 or 2 cups of coffee. They can disturb your sleep.
5. Varying your routine by doing different tasks at different
times during your shift can help you stay alert.
6. Regular exercise promotes easier and deeper sleep.
7. Bright light and cool temperatures (below 70°F or 21°C) at
work help keep you awake during your shift.
8. Stretching or exercising when you take a break can help you stay alert.
9. The most dangerous part of your day is likely your drive home
after work.