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Normal Newborn

Bath time is a great time to bond with your newborn while keeping his or her skin healthy and cuddly soft. Get the fact - îand proper supplies - to make these moments safe and enjoyable for both you and baby.

Detailed information on normal newborn behaviors and activities

Ever wonder why your baby flings his arms out sideways when startled? This reaction--called the Moro reflex--is one of many natural reflexes your newborn should exhibit. Read on to learn about common newborn reflexes and what they mean.

Babies are born with all five senses--sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Some of the senses are not fully developed.

New parents are often unsure how long and how often a newborn should sleep. Read on to learn about general newborn sleep patterns, the quiet alert phases, and how to help your baby fall asleep.

Think there's only one way to breastfeed? You can position your baby in several ways during feeding time that can be comfortable for both of you.

Your milk contains just the right balance of nutrients in a form most easily used by your baby's immature body systems.

The first weeks of breastfeeding should be considered a learning period for both you and your baby. Here's what you need to know.

It's important for your baby's health to be able to effectively remove milk from your breast during nursing. To do this, your baby must learn the correct way to suck. But how do you know if your baby is actually getting the nutrition they need? Here's a guide to help you.

Detailed information on bottle-feeding, including information on the different types of baby formulas.

Because babies born by cesarean may have difficulty clearing some of the lung fluid and mucus, extra suctioning of the nose, mouth, and throat are often needed.

Some babies may have difficulty at birth. These include babies who are born prematurely, have a difficult delivery, or have birth defects. Here's what you need to know.

A newborn baby is wet from the amniotic fluid and can easily become cold. Drying the baby and using warm blankets and heat lamps can help prevent heat loss. Often a knitted hat is placed on the baby's head.

Detailed information on baby's care after birth

Healthy babies born in a vaginal delivery are usually able to stay with the mother. In many cases, immediate newborn evaluations are performed right in the mother's room.

Circumcision is a surgery to remove the skin covering the end of the penis. This is called the foreskin. This surgery is most often done 1 or 2 days after a baby's birth. Read on to learn more about this procedure.

In a few weeks, your baby will have the cutest little belly button. But right now the healing remains of his umbilical cord need special care. Here's how to make sure the cord remainder stays infection-free.

A pediatrician, family practice healthcare provider, physician's assistant, family nurse practitioner, or pediatric nurse practitioner can be your baby's primary care provider. The medical specialty dealing with children is called pediatrics.

Crying is the way babies communicate. They cry because of hunger, discomfort, frustration, tiredness, and even loneliness.

Detailed information on breastfeeding difficulties of the baby, including ineffective latch-on, ineffective sucking, slow infant weight gain, poor infant weight gain, mismanaged breastfeeding, over-active breast milk let down

Detailed information on problems with latching-on or sucking during breastfeeding, and how to handle them.

Sometimes a breastfed baby will gain weight more slowly than they should. Read on to learn some helpful tips on how to deal with this.

Many nursing mothers worry that their babies aren't getting enough milk. But what if the opposite is true? Here's what you can do to make sure you aren't overwhelming your baby during feeding time.

Are you concerned that your little one has slow or poor weight gain? Unsure? This article will help you sort out your questions and concerns.

A core part of every baby's care is diapering. Read on for helpful information on changing diapers, preventing and treating diaper rash, and the pros and cons of cloth and disposable diapers.

If your milk is delayed coming in, or you're not making enough milk, don't give up. Read on for some helpful tips.

Detailed information on breastfeeding and flat or inverted nipples.

Detailed information on breastfeeding difficulties of the mother, including sore nipples, low breast milk production, flat nipples, plugged milk ducts, and mastitis

Detailed information on breastfeeding and low breastmilk production.

Some breastfeeding moms may be more likely to get plugged milk ducts than others. Read on for some quick tips on preventing and managing this condition.

Read on to learn about possible causes and treatment for sore nipples when breastfeeding.

The system that controls body temperature is not well developed in a newborn. Here's what you need to know about fever and your baby.

Your baby's activity level, appetite, and cries normally vary from day to day, and even hour to hour. But a distinct change in any of these areas may signal illness.

Detailed information on when to call your baby's physician

If you listen closely, you'll notice that your baby's breathing isn't like yours. Babies breathe much more frequently and with different patterns than adults. Here's how to recognize normal breathing in your infant - and how to spot signs of respiratory distress.

The color of a baby's skin can often help identify possible problems in another area of the body. Here are some skin color changes to be aware of.

Most healthcare providers advise taking a baby's temperature rectally, by placing a thermometer in the baby's anus. This method is accurate and gives a quick reading of the baby's internal temperature.

A complete physical exam is an important part of newborn care. Each body system is carefully checked for signs of health and normal function.

It's not always easy to tell a newborn's age by their size. Premature babies are usually small, but full-term and past-term babies can be small, too. That's when healthcare providers will do a gestational assessment to determine if a newborn needs special treatment.

Detailed information on newborn health assessments

Your newborn will be weighed in the hospital and at all check-ups. This chart will help you convert the metric unit grams (g) to pounds (lb) and ounces (oz).

Most newborns adjust well to the outside world. But it's helpful to know about these warning signs that could indicate a possible problem.

Your little one will need several immunization shots to help protect them from several childhood diseases, some of which can be deadly. Read on for helpful advice on which shots they need and when, and learn what to do if they have a minor reaction.

Detailed information on newborn care

People who are breastfeeding should eat a well-balanced, varied diet and drink enough liquids. Read on for more details.

Detailed information on breast milk collection and storage

It's important to keep your breast pump and all its parts clean and sterilized to keep your baby safe from breastmilk contamination. Here's what you need to know.

A helpful look at practical and health considerations when storing your breastmilk.

Helpful tips for thawing and using frozen breastmilk.

A breast pump is an important piece of equipment for the breastfeeding mom who wants to increase her supply or store pumped breastmilk. Read on for helpful tips about using it safely and efficiently.

Some babies have a more difficult trip through the birth canal than others, resulting in physical injuries. These injuries usually are not serious and clear up or improve within a few days or weeks after the birth.

Detailed information on the most common types of newborn complications

Transient tachypnea of the newborn is a mild breathing problem. It affects babies during the first hours of life. Transient means it is short-lived. Tachypnea means fast breathing rate. The problem often goes away on its own in about 3 days.

Thrush is a mouth infection that is common in babies and children. Symptoms include white or yellow velvety patches in the mouth. Thrush is caused by a type of fungus called Candida.

Newborns have many variations in normal appearance, from their skin color to the shape of their head. Here's a look at some of the normal variations you can expect.

Detailed information on newborn care

You will need plenty of rest, good nutrition, and help during the first few weeks after your baby is born.

How much, what, and when to feed your baby can seem daunting. But this cheat sheet will give you the information you need to start your baby on the right nutritional path.

Most families soon find ways to adjust to the changes that take place after a baby is born. But it's helpful to prepare family members for what's ahead.

Detailed information on preparing for your new baby

Newborn babies routinely receive eye medicine and a vitamin K injection soon after birth. Both prevent serious conditions.

Today nearly all newborns are screened for hearing loss. Here's a look at why, and the types of screening tests that are done.

Detailed information on the most common procedures performed on newborns

Newborns need just some basic items at first. These include a warm and safe place to sleep, food, clothing, and diapers. Here's a helpful guide to the essentials.

Detailed information on newborn care

You’ve been breastfeeding your baby up until now—but it’s time to return to work. You haven’t given them a bottle with breast milk yet. When should you make the change? Here are tips to make a successful transition from breast to bottle.

Choosing a childcare provider for your baby is an important decision. Find one who supports your choice to breastfeed and is willing to carry out your plan. Doing so will give you peace of mind and make your transition back to work easier.

Hospital-grade, electric breast pumps are the only pumps built for frequent and prolonged use. These pumps automatically cycle suction with release of suction—similar to a baby's sucking action.

Detailed information on breastfeeding while at work

Helpful advice on how to maintain your milk production when going back to work.

The length of time given for a paid maternity leave of absence varies among companies. Some women extend their maternity leaves by taking additional weeks of unpaid leave.

Most mothers who plan to continue breastfeeding will need to express their breast milk during the work or school day if away from the baby for more than three or four hours.

It's important to give yourself enough time to practice pumping and get your body used to pumping before you return to work. Read on for some helpful tips.

Having your employer's support is important to successfully continue breastfeeding. Here's what you need to know about pumping breastmilk at work.

If your baby seems fussy and you've fed and changed him, he may have an upset stomach or colic. But don't worry, there are lots of things you can do to make your little one more comfortable and keep both of you calm.

Detailed information on how breastmilk is made for breastfeeding.

Detailed information on breastfeeding and mastitis.

A national program exists to screen all newborns for certain disorders in the first few days of life.

A birth defect is a health problem or abnormal physical change that is present when a baby is born. Birth defects can be very mild, where the baby looks and acts like any other baby. Or birth defects can be more severe. Read on to learn more.

Hypoglycemia is when the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood is too low. Glucose is the main source of fuel for the brain and the body. In a newborn baby, low blood sugar can happen for many reasons. It can cause problems such as shakiness, blue color to the skin, and breathing and feeding problems. Read on to learn more.