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Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology

Allergies are problems of the immune system. Most allergic reactions happen when the immune system reacts to a “false alarm.” Normally, the human body defends itself against harmful things, such as viruses or bacteria. But sometimes the defenses violently attack mostly mild things, such as dust, mold, or pollen.

Asthma is a long-term (chronic) lung disease that causes your child's airways to become sensitive to certain things (triggers).

Detailed information on the immune system and how it works.

X-linked agammaglobulinemia is a rare genetic disease that causes a weakened immune system. It mainly affects boys.

Detailed information on allergy, including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Detailed information on avoidance of allergens and treatment for allergy, including immunotherapy (allergy shots) and medicine.

Anaphylaxis is a severe and sometimes life-threatening reaction to an allergen. An allergen is something that your child is allergic to. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency. Your child can have a reaction within seconds or as long as an hour after contact.

Learn about asthma flare-ups in your child, including symptoms to recognize.

How asthma will affect a child throughout their lifetime varies, depending on the child.

Detailed information on asthma, including triggers of an asthma attack, symptoms, diagnosis, management, and treatment

Your child's asthma may be triggered by a number of things: pollen, molds, certain foods, strong odors, or even exercise.

Atopic dermatitis is a long-term (chronic) skin condition. It causes dry, itchy skin. It’s a very common condition in babies and children. It often first appears between ages 3 and 6 months.

From bed coverings to air purifiers, from pets to secondhand smoke, here are ideas to keep your child's asthma triggers under control.

Detailed information on the differences between cold symptoms and symptoms of allergies.

Contact dermatitis is a skin reaction from contact with certain substances. Read on to learn about its causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is an immunodeficiency problem. It is a lifelong health problem that can lead to a reduced ability to fight infections.

Detailed information on dust mite allergens.

Detailed information on allergy testing for children, including blood tests and skin tests.

Parents of children with egg sensitivity may not be aware of the many food products that contain eggs. That's why it's important to carefully read food labels. Here's what you should know.

Hives is a sudden outbreak of red, itchy, and swollen areas on the skin. It often happens as an allergic reaction from eating certain foods or taking certain medicines. Here's what you should know.

Detailed information on the immune system and immune disorders

Detailed information on allergy, asthma, and immunology

For most children, the reaction to a sting is brief, with redness and swelling followed by pain and itching. Others may have an allergic reaction that is life-threatening. Read on for details.

A look at the 4 asthma severity levels.

Helpful information on helping your child follow a milk-free diet, including tips for reading food labels.

Detailed information on mold allergy, including possible sources of mold inside and outside the home.

Detailed information on immune deficiency disorders in children, including Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, Common Variable Immunodeficiency, DiGeorge Syndrome, and X-linked Agammaglobulinemia

A detailed look at how to follow a peanut-free diet for your child, including how to read food labels.

Poison ivy rash is an allergic reaction to poison ivy. Poison ivy is very a common plant in the U.S. It is similar to two other plants called poison oak and poison sumac. The plants cause allergic dermatitis.

Detailed information on pollen allergy, also called hay fever, including information on which plants produce the most pollen and allergic rhinitis prevention during pollen season

Allergic rhinitis can happen on a seasonal basis or year-round. There is often a family history of allergic rhinitis, eczema, asthma, or food allergy. Read on to learn details about treating and managing this condition.

Detailed information on symptomatic conditions of allergy, including asthma, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, rhinitis, and urticaria

SCID is a very rare disease that can be deadly. It causes a child to have a very weak immune system. Read on to learn about causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

Detailed information on a shellfish food allergy, including how to read a label for a shellfish-free diet and how to safely eat at a restaurant.

Detailed information on allergy, asthma, and immunology

When your child has a soy allergy, they can't have any foods containing soy. Read on for detailed information on how to manage a soy-free diet. This includes how to read food labels, other possible sources of soy, and tips when eating out.

Tree nuts include almonds, pecans, and walnuts. Tree nuts are also found in many food products. Here's what you need to know.

Detailed information on allergy triggers and symptom control

Detailed information on wheat allergy, a type of food allergy, including how to read a label for a wheat-free diet.

Helpful instructions on giving your child nebulizer treatments.

Lactose intolerance is when the body can’t easily break down or digest lactose. Lactose is a sugar found in milk and milk products.

These 3 types of tools are used to measure how well your child's asthma is under control.

A food allergy is when your child’s body has a bad immune reaction to a certain food. This is different than a food intolerance which does not affect the immune system. This is true even though some of the same signs may be present.

22q11.2 deletion syndrome is a genetic disorder that can cause many health problems. These problems may range from heart defects and developmental delays to seizures.

Langerhans cell histiocytosis is a rare disorder that causes damage to tissues all over the body.

Symptoms of latex allergy include watery or itchy eyes, wheezing, hives, flushing or a skin rash, itching, or swelling.