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Cantaloupe Soup

(Gluten-free, gout-friendly, low-sodium)

This is a picture-pretty first course for a summer meal. Make in advance and serve chilled.


  • 2 cantaloupes

  • 1 tsp ground ginger

  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg

  • 1/2 cup fat-free sour cream, plus 4 tsp for garnish


Cut cantaloupes in half. Remove seeds. With a spoon or melon baller, remove fruit from flesh. Refrigerate rinds to use as soup "bowls."

Put melon into blender with sour cream and spices. Blend to a creamy consistency. Refrigerate for at least an hour to chill soup and let flavors blend.

Pour soup into melon bowls and swirl in a teaspoon of sour cream as a garnish.

Serves 4

Each serving contains approximately 129 calories, 28 g carbohydrates, 3 g protein, less than 1 g fat, 111 mg sodium, and 3 g fiber.

To make this recipe gluten-free, use only spices and condiments that are gluten-free. Read food labels carefully and contact the company if you have any questions.