Women's Health
Physical activity is an important action that people can engage in to improve their health. Experts advise getting at least 150 minutes to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity, aerobic physical activity every week for major health benefits.
Jumper's knee is caused by overuse of your knee joint, such as frequent jumping on hard surfaces. It's usually a sports-related injury, linked to leg muscle contraction and the force of hitting the ground.
Read on for helpful steps to take to prevent sports injuries.
Whatever treatment plan a person follows, losing weight slowly will be more effective and healthier over the long-term.
Medical treatment can help with weight loss if your own efforts are unsuccessful—or if you have a medical condition that makes it crucial to lose weight.
Gastric restrictive surgery is a type of bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery. It limits the amount of food you can eat. This surgery may be used to treat severe obesity when diet, exercise, and medicine have failed.
Keeping extra weight off needs effort and commitment, just as losing weight does.
The longer a person is obese, the more they are at risk for problems. Many chronic diseases are linked with obesity. And obesity is hard to treat. Because of these reasons, prevention is very important.
A closer look at the structure of the breast.
A bone density test measures the strength and density of your bones as you approach menopause and, when the test is repeated sometime later, can help determine how quickly you are losing bone mass and density.
Detailed information on breast health, including anatomy of the breast, normal breast development, breast cancer prevention, breast self-examination, mammography, breast conditions, mastalgia (breast pain), breast lump, fibrocystic breast changes, nipple
Get regular checkups, preventive exams, and immunizations. Learn about disease prevention and ask your healthcare provider for specific information regarding your needs.
When trying to make heart-healthy changes to your lifestyle and diet, it is helpful to know some basics about nutrition.
You have a lot of choices when it comes to birth control. Some methods don't need a healthcare provider's visit. But others, like oral contraceptives, are available only by prescription.
Cervicitis is irritation or infection of the cervix. It can be caused by a number of different sexually transmitted diseases.
A woman is generally most fertile (able to become pregnant) a few days before, during, and after ovulation.
Depression is a whole-body illness. It involves the body, mood, and thoughts. Depression affects the way you eat and sleep. It also can affect the way you feel about yourself and things. It is not the same as being unhappy or in a "blue" mood. It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away. When you have depression, you can't "pull yourself together" and get better. Treatment is often needed and many times crucial to recovery.
To diagnose a breast condition, your healthcare provider will examine your breasts and may order imaging tests or a biopsy.
Painful periods cause severe cramps and pain during a woman's period. It can start with your first period, or begin later in life. It can be related to an underlying condition, such as endometriosis.
The tissue that lines the uterus is called the endometrium. Normally, if a woman doesn’t get pregnant, this tissue is shed each month during her period. In endometriosis, tissue that looks and acts like endometrial tissue implants outside the uterus.This can cause pain, heavy periods, and infertility.
In addition to regulating the menstrual cycle, estrogen affects the reproductive tract, the urinary tract, the heart and blood vessels, bones, breasts, skin, hair, mucous membranes, pelvic muscles, and the brain.
Timing your mammogram when your breasts are not tender is important. In premenopausal women, this is usually 1 week after a menstrual period.
Detailed information on the most common gynecological concerns, including sexually transmitted diseases, endometriosis, pelvic pain, menstrual conditions, premenstrual syndrome, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, gynec
The female pelvic area contains a number of organs and structures: the endometrium, uterus, ovaries, cervix, vagina, and vulva.
Urinary incontinence (UI) is the loss of urine control. You may not be able to hold your urine until you can reach a restroom. It may be a short-term problem caused by another health issue. Or it may be a long-term problem that you’ll have to manage.
Detailed information on healthcare for women, including information on breast health, colorectal cancer, diabetes, gynecological concerns, heart attack, hysterectomy, infertility, menopause, mental health, osteoporosis, skin cancer, and urinary conditions
The most common type of breast infection is lactational mastitis. This happens when a woman is breastfeeding. The nipples become cracked and sore, allowing bacteria from the baby's mouth to enter the ducts and rapidly multiply in the milk.
Detailed information on the most common gynecological inflammations and infections, including vulvitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, and pelvic inflammatory disease
Age, chronic diseases, and endometriosis are common factors for women. For men, they are STIs, toxic substances at work, and cigarette smoking.
The 2 most common types of benign breast lumps are cysts and fibroadenomas. A cyst is a fluid-filled sac that develops in the breast tissue. Fibroadenomas are solid, smooth, firm, benign lumps that are most commonly found in women in their late teens and early 20s.
Detailed information on mammograms, including the different types, how a mammogram is done, and recommended screening guidelines.
Detailed information on learning to manage your medicine, especially if you are taking several medicines and treating different conditions.
Menorrhagia is heavy or prolonged bleeding during your period. It can be caused by hormone problems or problems with the uterus. Medicines or procedures to treat the uterus can help.
Detailed information on mental health and women, including information on managing stress, depression, and domestic violence
Breast development happens in certain stages during a woman's life: first before birth, and again at puberty and later during the childbearing years. Changes also happen to the breasts during menstruation and when a woman reaches menopause.
Detailed information on osteoporosis and bone density test
Pelvic pain is a challenging condition that can be due to many possible causes.
Planning ahead and taking care of yourself before becoming pregnant is the best thing you can do for you and your baby.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a much more severe form of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It may affect women who are able to get pregnant. It’s a severe and chronic medical condition that needs attention and treatment. Lifestyle changes and sometimes medicines can help manage symptoms.
Nipple conditions are a common noncancer (benign) breast condition affecting many women. Some problems are related to lactation, and others are not.
Detailed information on health promotion and disease prevention for women, including information on breast health, breast cancer prevention, breast self-examination, mammography, birth control, pap test, preconception care, heart disease prevention, safer
The only safe sex is no sex, most healthcare providers say. But certain precautions and safe behaviors can reduce a person's risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
Detailed information on healthcare for women, including information on breast health, colorectal cancer, diabetes, gynecological concerns, heart attack, hysterectomy, infertility, menopause, mental health, osteoporosis, skin cancer, and urinary conditions
Emotional stress can have a serious effect on the body. But a healthy, well-balanced diet and regular exercise can help. Read on for more tips.
Detailed information on the most common urinary conditions for women, including urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, and interstitial cystitis
Detailed anatomical description of the urinary system, including simple definitions and labeled, full-color illustrations.
Abuse often begins with verbal behaviors, such as name-calling, threats, and hitting or throwing objects. It can become worse, including pushing, slapping, and holding against the victim's will.
Vulvitis is inflammation of the soft folds of skin outside the vagina.
The best way to lose weight is to set a reasonable goal and lose it slowly. Here are some tips to help you.
Metabolic syndrome is a condition that includes the presence of a cluster of risk factors specific for cardiovascular disease. Metabolic syndrome greatly raises the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, stroke, or all three.
Patellofemoral pain syndrome means that you have dull pain around the front of the knee (patella). This is where the knee connects with the lower end of the thighbone (femur).
Shin splints refers to pain and tenderness along or just behind the large bone in the lower leg (the tibia).
Stress fractures are weak spots or small cracks in the bone caused by continuous overuse. They often occur in the foot after training for basketball, running, and other sports.
Detailed information on the most common breast conditions, including mastalgia (breast pain), benign breast lumps, fibrocystic breast changes, nipple problems, nipple discharge, breast infections, and breast inflammation
When a woman permanently stops having menstrual periods, she has reached the stage of life called menopause. This stage signals the end of a woman's ability to have children.
Amenorrhea means you haven't had your period for more than 3 cycles. It can be caused by a variety of things including overexercising, being overweight, or due to an ovulation problem.
Exercise is good for people of all ages. It helps lower blood pressure, reduces the risks for falls and serious injuries, and slows the body's loss of muscle and bone mass.
Fibrocystic breast changes are symptoms you may feel in your breasts right before your period. Learn what these common symptoms feel like, what causes them--and how to care for your breasts with breast self-awareness.
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is a type of weight-loss surgery. Learn what to expect before, during, and after this procedure.
There are 2 main types of breast pain. The most common type is linked to the menstrual cycle and is almost always hormonal.
Detailed information on obesity, including obesity causes, obesity health effects, obesity medical treatment, obesity surgical treatment, maintaining weight loss, and obesity prevention
Obesity is a serious, chronic disease that can inflict substantial harm to a person’s health. Learn about obesity causes and obesity health effects.
What is a contusion? A sprain? A strain? Find out more about these common sports injuries.
PCOS is a common hormone problem in women of childbearing age. Women with PCOS may not ovulate, and have abnormal hormone levels. They may experience missed or irregular periods, excess hair growth and weight gain around the belly.
Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID is an infection of a woman’s reproductive tract. Scar tissue grows between internal organs leading to ongoing pelvic pain. It can also lead to ectopic pregnancy.
Perimenopause is the time around menopause when your body begins to change. You become less fertile and hormone levels fluctuate.
A heart attack happens when the blood supply is cut off from the heart muscle, usually because of a blood clot. Without blood and oxygen, the muscle cells are damaged and die.
A lumbar strain is an injury to the lower back. This results in damaged tendons and muscles that spasm and feel sore.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a group of emotional and physical symptoms many women have in the days before their period starts. Lifestyle changes and sometimes medicines can help manage symptoms.
Skin cancer is a disease that begins in the cells of the skin. There are several types of skin cancer (carcinoma). Melanoma is the most serious. But there are others that are known as nonmelanoma skin cancer.
Many sports injuries can be prevented with proper conditioning and training, wearing appropriate protective gear, and using proper equipment.
Good nutrition and regular exercise can help you stay healthy and youthful at this stage of life.
Detailed information on obesity treatment, including obesity medical treatment, obesity surgical treatment, obesity gastric bypass (malabsorptive) surgery, and obesity gastric stapling (restrictive) surgery
Detailed information on obesity surgical treatment, including gastric bypass surgery, and gastric stapling surgery
To keep track of your breast health, you should get a yearly clinical exam and mammograms as directed by your healthcare provider.
Your breasts change at different stages of your life. Breast self-awareness is knowing how your breasts normally look and feel. This can help you to find even small changes right away.
Food intolerance is a risk after laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding surgery. You may have trouble eating certain foods, such as meat, fruits, or vegetables.
Food intolerance means that after surgery you may have problems eating foods that you once ate or that are part of your new diet. This can make it hard to stick to your new diet and keep the pounds off.
Certain types of weight-loss surgery change the way your body deals with the nutrients in the foods you eat. This causes a rapid amount of weight loss, but also may lead to complications.
Dumping syndrome after gastric bypass surgery is when food gets "dumped" directly from your stomach pouch into your small intestine without being digested. There are two types of dumping syndrome: early and late.
Iron deficiency and anemia are common after a gastric bypass or other weight-loss surgery, especially in women. In fact, iron deficiency can occur in more than half of women who are past menopause when they have this surgery.
This surgery takes out the part of your stomach that curves outward, called the fundus. After the fundus is taken out, your surgeon will close the rest of your stomach into a tube shape that looks like a banana.
One risk of gastric bypass surgery is that the anastomosis, the new connection created in your intestines during the bypass surgery, will leak. Leaking of digestive juices and partially digested food through an anastomosis is one of the most serious complications after bypass surgery.
After gastric bypass surgery for weight loss, the new connection between the stomach pouch and the small intestine may narrow. This is called an anastomotic stenosis. It’s also known as a stricture.
Afferent loop syndrome is a complication of certain types of stomach surgery.
Efferent loop syndrome is one of two loop syndromes" that can happen after some types of gastric surgery. In a loop syndrome
Anemia is when your blood has lower levels of red blood cells, or your red blood cells don't have enough of the protein hemoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen, which is sent around the body through blood. Anemia may occur after weight-loss surgery (bariatric surgery).
In blind loop syndrome, food is not able to follow the normal digestive route. Instead, it bypasses a section of your intestine.
Gay and bisexual men are at higher risk of developing certain cancers, including lung, anal, skin, and prostate cancer.
A liposarcoma is a rare type of cancer that develops in your fatty tissue. This type of tumor can grow anywhere in your body. Common places include your abdomen, thigh, and behind your knee.
Carcinoid tumor is a rare type of tumor that grows slowly.