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Liver, Biliary, and Pancreatic Disorders

Alcoholic hepatitis is liver inflammation and damage caused by drinking too much alcohol over time.

Alcohol-induced liver disease is caused by heavy use of alcohol. The liver's job is to break down alcohol. If you drink more than it can process, it can become badly damaged.

Autoimmune hepatitis is when your body’s infection-fighting system (immune system) attacks your liver cells. This causes redness and swelling (inflammation) and liver damage.

Detailed information on the most common disorders of the biliary system, including gallstones, cholangitis, cholecystitis, biliary cirrhosis, and biliary duct cancer

Detailed anatomical description of the biliary system, including a full-color labeled illustration.

Cholangitis is swelling (inflammation) of the bile duct system. In most cases, cholangitis is caused by a bacterial infection. The infection often happens suddenly. But, in some cases, it may be long-term (chronic).

Cholecystitis is a redness and swelling (inflammation) of the gallbladder. It happens when a digestive juice called bile gets trapped in your gallbladder.

Cirrhosis is when scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue. This stops the liver from working normally.

Detailed information on the symptoms of liver disease.

Congenital liver defects are liver disorders that are present at birth. They are rare. These liver disorders often block the bile ducts. This affects the flow of bile.

Detailed information on disorders of the liver, including alcohol-induced liver disease, chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, congenital defects, hepatitis, liver tumors, and liver transplantation

Drug-induced hepatitis is a redness and swelling (inflammation) of the liver that is caused by a harmful (toxic) amount of certain medicines.

Hepatitis is a redness and swelling (inflammation) of the liver. It sometimes causes permanent liver damage.

Hepatitis C is a liver disease that is caused by the hepatitis C virus. It is a redness and swelling (inflammation) of the liver that sometimes causes lasting damage. The liver isn’t able to work the way it should.

Detailed information on the different types of hepatitis, including viral hepatitis, hepatitis a, hepatitis b, and hepatitis c

Detailed information on liver, biliary, and pancreatic disorders

A liver transplant is surgery to replace a diseased liver with a healthy liver from another person. Read on to learn more.

Detailed information on autoimmune and metabolic liver disorders, including hemochromatosis (iron overload disorder) and Wilson disease.

Pancreatitis is the swelling (inflammation) of the pancreas. This happens when digestive juices or enzymes attack the pancreas.

Detailed anatomical description of human pancreas, including simple definitions and labeled, full-color illustrations

Detailed information on the most common liver function tests, including serum bilirubin test, serum albumin test, serum alkaline phosphatase test, serum aminotransferases, prothrombin time test, alanine transaminase test, aspartate transaminase test, gamm

Detailed information on pancreas disorders, including pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer

Learn the basics of pancreatic cancer, including the types of cancer in the pancreas.

Gallstones are lumps of solid material that form in your gallbladder. They are made when the digestive juice called bile gets hard and stone-like. Gallstones can be as small as a grain of sand or as big as a golf ball. Your gallbladder may form 1 large stone, hundreds of tiny stones, or both sizes at the same time.

Detailed information on the different types of hepatitis, including viral hepatitis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.

Acute liver failure is when your liver suddenly starts to not work. This often happens right after an overdose of medicine or poisoning.

Pancreas transplantation is a type of surgery in which you receive a healthy donor pancreas. It is a choice for some people with type 1 diabetes.

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. It can be caused by gallstones, alcohol consumption, and certain medicines, among other causes.

The term annular pancreas means that a ring of excess pancreatic tissue encases the first part of your small intestine. Your pancreas can still function, but the excess tissue can cause a number of symptoms. Read on to learn more.

Pancreatitis is an inflamed, swollen and irritated. If you don't recover from an acute pancreatitis attack, the inflammation gets gradually worse, you have chronic pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis is a disease that causes inflammation and pain in your pancreas, the small organ that produces fluids and enzymes to break down food. This is part of the digestive process. Sometimes a gallstone that gets stuck in the common bile duct can block your pancreatic duct and cause pancreatitis. This is known as gallstone pancreatitis.

Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) means that you have fat deposits inside your liver. These deposits may keep your liver from doing a good job of removing toxins from your blood.

Portal hypertension is high blood pressure of the portal vein, which is in your abdomen (belly). It collects nutrient-rich blood from your intestines and carries it to the liver for cleaning.

The liver is the largest organ in your body. At about 3 pounds and about the size of a football, it performs many functions essential for good health and a long life.

Your pancreas plays a major role in digestion. It is located inside your abdomen, just behind your stomach, and it is about the size of your hand.

A pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor is a type of cancer that forms tumors in the pancreas.

Pancreatic pseudocysts are collections of leaked pancreatic fluids. They may form next to the pancreas during pancreatitis.