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Digestive Disorders

Barrett esophagus occurs when the normal cells that line your food pipe (esophagus) turn into cells not usually found in your body. The new cells take over because the lining of the esophagus has been damaged. The new, abnormal cells are called specialized columnar cells or intestinal metaplasia.

Celiac disease is a digestive problem that hurts your small intestine. It stops your body from taking in nutrients from food. You may have celiac disease if you are sensitive to gluten.

Constipation is not being able to have bowel movements often enough. It can cause pain and other symptoms. Learn more about the causes, tests, and treatments for this common GI (gastrointestinal) problem.

Detailed information on the most common tests and procedures used to diagnosis digestive disorders

Diarrhea is when your stools are loose and watery. You may also need to go to the bathroom more often.

Detailed information on the most common types of digestive disorders, including appendicitis, Barrett's esophagus, celiac disease, constipation, crohn's disease, diarrhea, diverticular disease, gas, gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gastr

Diverticular disease is an infection in the tiny pouches that some people get in their colon. The pouches are called diverticula. These pouches bulge out through weak spots in your colon. The pouches can become inflamed (red, swollen) or infected.

Everyone has gas. It may be painful and embarrassing, but it is not dangerous. Your body gets rid of gas by burping or by passing it through your rectum. Most people make about 1 to 4 pints of gas a day. It is common to pass gas about 14 times a day.

Gastroparesis is a stomach disorder. It happens when your stomach takes too long to empty out food. If food stays in your stomach for too long, it can cause problems.

Gastritis is when your stomach lining gets red and swollen (inflamed). Your stomach lining is strong. In most cases acid does not hurt it. But it can get inflamed and irritated if you drink too much alcohol, eat spicy foods, or smoke.

H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) is a type of bacteria that infects your stomach. It can damage the tissue in your stomach and the first part of your small intestine (the duodenum). In some cases, it can also cause painful sores called peptic ulcers in your upper digestive tract.

Hemorrhoids are when the veins or blood vessels in and around your anus and lower rectum become swollen and irritated. This happens when there is extra pressure on these veins.

Hepatitis A is a liver disease that is easily spread from person to person (highly contagious). Hepatitis is a redness or swelling (inflammation) of the liver that sometimes causes lasting damage. Hepatitis A is one type of hepatitis.

Hepatitis is a redness and swelling (inflammation) of the liver. It sometimes causes permanent liver damage.

Hepatitis C is a liver disease that is caused by the hepatitis C virus. It is a redness and swelling (inflammation) of the liver that sometimes causes lasting damage. The liver isn’t able to work the way it should.

In a hiatal hernia, part of your stomach pushes up into an opening (the hiatus) in your diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscle between your stomach and your chest.

Detailed information on how the digestive system works, including a full-color, labeled illustration of the digestive system.

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a digestive disorder. It is caused when gastric acid from your stomach flows back up into your esophagus.

Crohn’s disease is part of a group of diseases known as inflammatory bowel disease or IBD.

Ulcerative colitis is part of a group of diseases called inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder that affects your large intestine or colon. When you have IBS your colon looks normal. But it does not work the way it should.

Detailed information on digestive disorders, including anatomy of the digestive system, digestive disorders diagnosis, digestive disorders medications, colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer, and stomach cancer

Indigestion (dyspepsia) is a pain or burning feeling in your upper belly or abdomen. It is common in adults.

An inguinal hernia is when part of your intestine pushes through a weak spot in your lower belly (abdominal) wall. This area is called the groin. The hernia creates a lump in your groin. Over time, the hernia may get bigger.

Lactose intolerance is when your body can’t break down or digest lactose. Lactose is a sugar found in milk and milk products. Read on to learn details about lactose intolerance, including causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatments.

Medicines taken by mouth can affect the digestive system in a number of different ways. Both prescription and over-the-counter medicines, while usually safe and effective, may cause harmful effects in some people.

Peritonitis is a redness and swelling (inflammation) of the tissue that lines your belly or abdomen. This tissue is called the peritoneum.

Detailed information on digestive disorders, including anatomy of the digestive system, digestive disorders diagnosis, digestive disorders medications, colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer, and stomach cancer

A peptic ulcer is a sore on the lining of your stomach or the first part of your small intestine (duodenum).

Detailed information on the different types of hepatitis, including viral hepatitis, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C.

An intra-abdominal abscess is a collection of pus or infected fluid that is surrounded by inflamed tissue inside the belly.

Detailed information about Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES), a rare digestive disorder.

Pancreas transplantation is a type of surgery in which you receive a healthy donor pancreas. It is a choice for some people with type 1 diabetes.

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. It can be caused by gallstones, alcohol consumption, and certain medicines, among other causes.

The term annular pancreas means that a ring of excess pancreatic tissue encases the first part of your small intestine. Your pancreas can still function, but the excess tissue can cause a number of symptoms. Read on to learn more.

Pancreatitis is an inflamed, swollen and irritated. If you don't recover from an acute pancreatitis attack, the inflammation gets gradually worse, you have chronic pancreatitis.

Pancreatitis is a disease that causes inflammation and pain in your pancreas, the small organ that produces fluids and enzymes to break down food. This is part of the digestive process. Sometimes a gallstone that gets stuck in the common bile duct can block your pancreatic duct and cause pancreatitis. This is known as gallstone pancreatitis.

When you think of allergic reactions, you likely picture itchy eyes and a runny nose. But an allergic reaction can happen in the esophagus--your food pipe--as well. Read on to learn more about eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE).

Infectious esophagitis is swelling and irritation of your esophagus, set off by an infection.

Esophagitis is the irritation and inflammation of the lining of your esophagus, or food pipe. Because the lining of the esophagus is sensitive, many things can cause swelling and irritation.

Swallowing difficulties can happen for reasons ranging from dehydration to illness. Most cases are short-lived, but sometimes you might need medical treatment or special home care.

An anal fistula is an abnormal opening in the skin near the anus. It leads to the inside of the anal canal in the colon.

An anal fissure is a small, painful tear in the lining of the anus. Anal fissures may hurt and bleed during or after a bowel movement, but about 90% heal without surgery.

An anorectal abscess is a collection of pus under the skin in the area of the anus and rectum.

If the rectum drops out of its normal place within the body and pushes out of the anal opening, the condition is called rectal prolapse.

Smoking can harm your digestive system in many ways. It weakens the sphincter and allows stomach acid to flow backward into your esophagus.

Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) means that you have fat deposits inside your liver. These deposits may keep your liver from doing a good job of removing toxins from your blood.

Portal hypertension is high blood pressure of the portal vein, which is in your abdomen (belly). It collects nutrient-rich blood from your intestines and carries it to the liver for cleaning.

A toxic megacolon is a rare yet life-threatening complication of severe colon disease or infection. It is diagnosed when your colon has expanded by more than 5 to 6 centimeters.

Your bile and pancreative juices flow through a duct that is opened and closed by a valve called the sphincter of Oddi. If this valve goes into spasm, you end up with severe belly pain.

Celiac disease is a digestive disorder that damages your small intestine and keeps it from absorbing the nutrients in food. A protein found in wheat, barley, and rye called gluten is what causes the damage to the intestinal tract.

Many people are reducing or eliminating their dietary intake of gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and some other grains. But only those who have celiac disease need to completely stop eating gluten.

If you're like most people, you may have gas, constipation, or heartburn every now and then.

Gastroenteritis is when the stomach and intestines become inflamed. When it's caused by a type of bacteria, it’s called bacterial gastroenteritis.

Digestion is a multistep process that begins the moment you place a piece of food in your mouth or sip some juice.

The right specialist or healthcare team can help you manage long-term or chronic digestive conditions, such as GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and Crohn's disease.

Your esophagus has 1 main purpose: to move food from your throat to your stomach. Here's how it works.

Fecal incontinence means that you are not able to hold your bowel movements (feces or stool) within your rectum until you get to a toilet. Read on to learn more about this condition, from diagnosis to treatment and complications.

The gallbladder is key to digesting your food and getting energy from it.

If your healthcare provider determines that you have an intestinal obstruction, it means that something is blocking your intestine. Food and stool may not be able to move freely. Read on to learn more about this condition, including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

The large intestine is 1 of the many important parts of your digestive tract. This is a series of organs that begins with your mouth and ends with your anus, the opening of your rectum.

Your esophagus is the tube that carries food from your throat to your stomach. It plays a vital role in digestion. Sometimes, violent coughing or vomiting can tear the tissue of your lower esophagus and it can start to bleed. The condition is called a Mallory-Weiss tear.

The liver is the largest organ in your body. At about 3 pounds and about the size of a football, it performs many functions essential for good health and a long life.

Your pancreas plays a major role in digestion. It is located inside your abdomen, just behind your stomach, and it is about the size of your hand.

At 20 feet long, your small intestine is the longest part of the human digestive system. Most of the digestive process takes place there.

Few activities in life seem as natural as eating and drinking. We do them every day without giving them much thought. Yet, what happens inside your body after you eat is an interesting and complex process.

Viral gastroenteritis is a viral infection of your gastrointestinal tract. It can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and other symptoms. Read on to learn more about it, including causes, symptoms, and treatment.

Achalasia is a disease that makes it hard to eat and drink normally. It affects your esophagus, which is the swallowing tube that connects the back of your throat to your stomach.

Alagille syndrome is an inherited condition in which bile builds up in the liver because there are too few bile ducts to drain the bile. This results in liver damage.

The Bernstein test (esophageal acid perfusion test) is used to see if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Mesenteric ischemia is decreased or blocked blood flow to your intestine.

Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare disease that attacks the bile ducts. The word sclerosing means scarring. In PSC, your bile ducts become scarred and slowly narrows until bile backs up into your liver and starts to damage it. Read on to learn more.

Tumors on your pancreas, called insulinomas, make extra insulin, more than your body can use. This causes blood sugar levels to drop too low. This can cause symptoms of low blood sugar or hypoglycemia.

Ascites is a condition that occurs when fluid collects in spaces in your belly. It can be painful and keep you from moving around comfortably. Ascites can set the stage for an infection in your belly. Fluid may also move into your chest and surround your lungs. This makes it hard to breathe.

Detailed information about causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of ampullary cancer.