Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Acupuncture is the practice of putting thin needles into the skin at certain parts of the body. It's done to ease symptoms linked to many diseases. Read on to learn more.
Detailed information on art therapy, dance/movement therapy, and music therapy.
Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine based on the idea that imbalance leads to disease.
Detailed information on biofeedback as a form of alternative therapy.
Tai chi and yoga are 2 forms of nonaerobic movement and controlled breathing that can be practiced to reduce stress and anxiety.
Detailed information on traditional Chinese medicine as a form of alternative therapy.
Chiropractic medicine is based on the link between the spine and how the body functions.
Adding anything to your regular diet to improve your health or healing is considered a dietary supplement.
Read on for detailed information on herbal supplements.
Hypnosis is an altered, relaxed state of mind. It is often used to help learn to control bad habits, pain, and stress.
By creating images in the mind, you can reduce pain and symptoms linked to your condition.
Detailed information on different forms of complementary and alternative therapy, including information on safety and risks
Massage can help both physically and emotionally. The rubbing soothes sore muscles and releases tension in the body and mind.
Detailed information on different forms of complementary and alternative therapy, including information on safety and risks