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Leukemic Blood Chromosome Analysis

Cytogenetic analysis of cancer cells present in peripheral blood specimens has identified hundreds of rearrangements associated with leukemia and lymphoma. The comparison of disease type with chromosomal abnormalities present has provided information on both diagnosis and prognosis for many of the hematological disorders. The development of new treatment strategies based on the molecular changes present in the cancer cells is an on-going process with patients involved in clinical trials to further improve prognosis. After treatment and/or transplant in patients with hematological malignancies, the status of the patient can be followed cytogenetically when an abnormality was present in the initial sample using blood or bone marrow specimens. Patients with chromosomal abnormalities for which probes are available can be followed using interphase Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization FISH analysis.

Please note: Peripheral blood can yield results for neoplastic studies, IF the WBC is > 15,000 and percentage of circulating blasts exceeds 10%. Lower blast count or smaller specimen volumes reduce chances for successful studies. This may be a good alternative when encountering a dry tap.

Indications for Testing

  • Known or suspected: Leukemia, lymphoma, myelodysplasia or myeloproliferative disorders
  • History of: Leukemia, lymphoma, myelodysplasia or myeloproliferative disorders
  • Suspected relapse of: Leukemia, lymphoma, myelodysplasia or myeloproliferative disorders

Sample Requirements

Children < 2 years old: 2-3 mL whole blood in green top Sodium Heparin (Na-Hep) tube.
Adults and children >2 years: 5-10 mL whole blood in dark green top Sodium Heparin (Na-Hep) tube.

  • 3-5 cc for cytogenetics plus 1-2 cc for FISH is optimal.
  • Smaller specimen volumes reduce chances for successful studies.
  • * exception: 7-10 cc of Peripheral Blood is preferred for CLL analysis.

Sample Handling

Sample should be kept at room temperature. The sample should never be frozen. Do not delay in shipping as delay may affect results. For optimal results, fresh specimens should be shipped on the day of collection.

Specimens being sent from outside facilities should be packaged according to standard medical safety practices. The specimen should be shipped by overnight priority [scheduled to arrive by Friday AM at the latest].

Shipping Address:

Center for Human Genetics Laboratory
10524 Euclid Ave, 6th Floor
Cleveland, OH 44106

For local samples, please call the Center for Human Genetics Laboratory (216-983-1134) to arrange for sample pick-up.

Turn Around Time: 7 – 10 days. Requests for STAT analysis and/or verbal preliminary results should be discussed with the laboratory.

List Price/CPT Codes

  • 88237, 88262, 88280 = $790.78

Please submit a completed Hematology/Oncology Specimens requisition for each sample.