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Meet the Pediatric Specialist | Pedro Jose Lopez, MD


Pediatric Clinical Update | June 2024

Pedro-Jose Lopez, MD

Pedro-Jose Lopez, MD, joined the division of Pediatric Urology at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s in 2024. Keep reading to get to know him a little better:

How old were you when you felt the call to become a doctor?

Uhhhh…I think that I was nearly 8ish. My parents told me about that time that a little sister died when she was a month old and I was 2 years. I think that in that moment something “clicked” in me.

What are your areas of clinical interest?

Over time, my interests have changed a bit, but the core stays the same. I love complex reconstructive urology and minimally invasive surgery. I also enjoy helping teens with complex urological issues transition to adult care. Recently, I've been really excited about providing top-notch care focused on patients and their families. I especially like leading teams where training, leadership and coaching are key.

Who or what inspires you and why? 

Random conversations with people out of my field where I get ideas for projects that I could do in my area of expertise.

Dog or cat?

Dolphin… :)

Coffee or tea?  

Double expresso, no sugar, with a great conversation.

Cavs, Guardians or Browns?

Cavs and Browns, I really haven’t gotten yet the passion for baseball.

Favorite book (outside of medical journals)?

Mandela's Way: Fifteen Lessons on Life, Love, and Courage

People would be surprised to know that I …

I was a fencing champion.
