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Meet the Pediatric Specialist | Katharine Hollnagel, MD


Pediatric Clinical Update | June 2024

Katharine Hollnagel, MD

Katharine Hollnagel, MD, joined the division of Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s in 2023. Keep reading to get to know her a little better:

How old were you when you felt the call to become a doctor?

Probably around 4 or 5. My grandfather was a retired anesthesiologist and loved telling me stories about the crazy cases he was involved in when he worked at a busy trauma hospital. I was pretty much hooked since then. 

What are your areas of clinical interest?

Pediatric orthopedics and hip preservation. In my hip preservation practice, I see everyone from babies to young adults with pre-arthritic hip conditions such as hip dysplasia, Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE), femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), and complex deformities involving the hip. I also see general pediatric orthopedic patients and children in the Rainbow Ortho injury clinic.

Who or what inspires you and why? 

It is hard not to be inspired by the patients you treat in pediatric orthopedics. Kids are so resilient and even after a bad injury or a diagnosis like Perthes disease that may affect what life is going to look like and what activities they’ll be able to do, they are so quick to adapt and look for the positive. It really makes you change your own outlook.

Dog or cat?

Dog. I have a terrier mix named Mira.

Coffee or tea?  


Cavs, Guardians or Browns?

Browns (but if my husband asks…Steelers)

Favorite book (outside of medical journals)?

I have a 5-month-old son so “Little Blue Truck” is my favorite book right now. 

People would be surprised to know that I …

... am from here originally! My medical training has taken me all over the country, but Northeast Ohio is home and it’s great to be back to start my practice right here.
