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Meet the Pediatric Specialist | Juan Manuel Moldes, MD


Pediatric Clinical Update | June 2024

Juan Manual Moldes, MD

Juan Manuel Moldes, MD, joined the division of Pediatric Urology at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s in March. Keep reading to get to know him a little better:

How old were you when you felt the call to become a doctor?

It was when I was 16 years old when I began to feel my interest in caring for others through medicine.

What are your areas of clinical interest?

Within Pediatric Urology, my areas of interest are complex urological problems that require high clinical and surgical expertise to be solved, especially those patients who need a lot of attention to make their life easier and healthier in relation to their urological issues and especially with a loving and compassionate treatment.

Who or what inspires you and why? 

I am inspired by the well-being of people at all levels because I believe that if we all have a fuller awareness of the common well-being, we will all live happier.

Dog or cat?

Dog because I can't stop sneezing around cats.

Coffee or tea?

Teas of different flavors. They have more variety.

Cavs, Guardians or Browns?

Cavs. Basketball is more dynamic.

Favorite book (outside of medical journals)?

Care of the Soul by Thomas Moore.

People would be surprised to know that I

get up very early every day to meditate before going to the hospital.
