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Meet the Pediatric Specialist | Alreem Al Hinai, MD


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Alreem Al Hinai, MD Alreem Al Hinai, MD

Pediatric Clinical Update | March 2024

Alreem Al Hinai, MD, joined the division of Pediatric Surgery at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s in December. Keep reading to get to know her a little better:

How old were you when you felt the call to become a doctor?

I honestly can’t recall a specific time in my life! In a way I’ve always wanted to be able to take care of others and become a doctor ever since I can remember.

What are your areas of clinical interest?

I love everything about what I do but I’m specifically interested in global surgical care and how we can utilize that knowledge to improve access to surgical services to those who needs it most, in our own backyard and the rest of the world.

Who or what inspires you and why? 

My patients inspire me the most; the resilience and beauty of childhood, the dedication of their families and the team effort that goes behind caring for them. The first “thank you” card that I received from a little’s boy’s family during my fellowship hangs on my desk to remind myself every day that it’s a privilege to take care of children.

Dog or cat?

Dog! I have two furry children.

Coffee or tea?


Cavs, Guardians or Browns?

Ummm the Edmonton Oilers…?

Favorite book (outside of medical journals)?

My favorite book series of all time is Harry Potter, English is my second language and Harry Potter was the first English novel that I ever read at the age of 10 or 11. I waited patiently for every release and it was the only gift I would request from my dad.

My most recent favorite is The Covenant of Water by Dr. Abraham Verghese, who is a fellow physician and a brilliant novelist.

People would be surprised to know that I …

ran my first marathon during COVID lockdown alone in beautiful Vancouver. My support team was my husband. There were no crowds, just me. I did it but I don’t recommend it!!
