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Getting Ready for UH Epic Terms to Know


Getting Ready for UH Epic: Terms to Know

University Hospitals is continuing our preparations for the new Epic electronic health record (EHR) system in a series of go-live waves that will begin on March 4, 2023. While the first of these important implementations is still more than a year away, we have developed a glossary, Getting Ready for UH Epic, to help you understand program-specific roles, education and training related terms, and activities and events in which you will have the opportunity to participate.

A few highlights of the Getting Ready for UH Epic glossary include:

General Terms:

Epic Foundation is Epic’s standard system that serves as the basis — or foundation — upon which the UH Epic EHR is built. This includes content and workflows based on the expertise and experience of the Epic community of organizations and Epic staff.  

People and Roles:

Direct Responsible Individuals (DRIs) are UH caregivers who have been identified to serve as Advisory and Operational Workgroup leaders. The goal of the Advisory and Operational Workgroups is to champion the change involved in the UH Epic program, represent their specific area of specialty, promote systemness and facilitate decision making.

Education and Training-Related Readiness Terms:

Playground Environment is a version of Epic that will be available prior to go-live in order for our end users to practice what they have learned in the classroom and for further exploration of the Epic functionality. Caregivers will receive access after completing their first Epic class.

Activities and Events:

Log-in Labs will allow end users to test their ability to log in to UH Epic before go-live and validate that the available functionality is appropriate for their role. This process is designed to prevent system accessibility issues once the system is in use for patient care.

The UH Epic implementation go-live wave schedule is:

  • Wave 1: March 4, 2023 – Primary Care
  • Wave 2: June 24, 2023 – Specialties
  • Wave 3: November 11, 2023 – Community Hospitals
  • Wave 4: April 6, 2024 – UH Cleveland Medical Center Campus

Thank you for helping to make this the Best Epic Implementation of All Time! Stay on top of the latest program news and activities by visiting it.uhhospitals.org/Epic.
