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Find University Hospitals Doctors
Steven Shein, MD

Steven Shein, MD

Biography: Steven Shein, MD


  • Brain Injury
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Clinical Research


  • Program Director, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, UH Cleveland Medical Center
  • Division Chief, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital
  • Co-Director, Pediatric Critical Care Clinical, Basic and Translational Research Program, UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital
  • Program Director, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital
  • Associate Professor of Pediatrics, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Professor of Pediatrics, CWRU School of Medicine
  • Linsalata Family Chair in Pediatric Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, University Hospitals

Certifications & Memberships

  • Pediatric Critical Care Medicine - American Board of Pediatrics
  • Pediatrics - American Board of Pediatrics


Fellowship | Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine - Children's Hospital Of Pittsburgh Of Upmc (2009 - 2012)

Residency | Pediatrics/Chief Resident
Pediatrics/Chief Resident - Uh Case Medical Center (2008 - 2009)

Residency | Pediatrics
Pediatrics - Uh Case Medical Center (2006 - 2008)

Internship | Pediatrics
Pediatrics - Uh Case Medical Center (2005 - 2006)

Medical Education
Case Western Reserve University School Of Medicine (2005)

University Of Virginia (2001)


Steven L. Shein, MD, FCCM, is the Chief of Pediatric Critical Care at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s, the Linsalata Family Chair in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, the Co-Director of the PICU Clinical & Translational Research Program, and the Director of the Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellowship. He is also Associate Professor, Pediatrics, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.

Dr. Shein is board certified in pediatrics and pediatric critical care, and is certified in pediatric advanced life support (PALS) and a PALS instructor. His special interests are neurocritical care, viral bronchiolitis and clinical research. He was appointed to the University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s staff in 2013.

Dr. Shein earned undergraduate degrees in biochemistry and biology at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia., as an Echols Scholar. He received his medical degree from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, where he was inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society and received the Henry F. Saunders Award for outstanding performance in pediatrics.

Dr. Shein completed his residency in pediatrics at UH Rainbow, serving as Chief Resident in his final year of training and receiving an Award for Excellence in Patient Care. He left UH Rainbow to complete a fellowship in pediatric critical care with specialized training in pediatric neurocritical care at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. He was Chief Fellow in his last year of training there and received several awards for excellence in research, including the Nancy Caroline Fellowship Award from the Safar Center for Resuscitation Research, University of Pittsburgh.

Locally, Dr. Shein has led the PICU research program since 2014. The program includes multiple research coordinators and ancillary staff who assist with data management, biostatistics, outcomes assessment, data entry and regulatory documentation. They participate in a large number of multicenter studies through the PALISI (Pediatric Acute Lung Injury and Sepsis Investigators) network and studies initiated by our PICU faculty and Fellows. In 2021, they were invited to join the NIH-funded CPCCRN (Collaborative Pediatric Critical Care Research Network), one of only 24 sites across the nation.

Nationally, Dr. Shein serves on the PALISI Scientific Committee, the CPCCRN Steering Committee, the SCCM Congress Planning Committee and the ATS Assembly on Critical Care Planning Committee, and is the former Chair of the SCCM Clinical Research and Epidemiology sub-group. Personally, his research focuses on critical bronchiolitis and critical asthma, and he co-founded the BACON (Bronchiolitis: Advancing Care and Outcomes Network) sub-group of PALISI to facilitate the multicenter projects he leads. He has authored more than 100 peer-reviewed manuscripts and several book chapters. His first textbook, Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress - A Clinical Guide, was published in 2019.

Research & Publications

Research Interests

Critical bronchiolitis and critical asthma

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University Hospitals is committed to transparency in our interactions with industry partners, such as pharmaceutical, biotech, or medical device companies. At UH, we disclose practitioner and their family members’ ownership and intellectual property rights that are or in the process of being commercialized. In addition, we disclose payments to employed practitioners of $5,000 or more from companies with which the practitioners interact as part of their professional activities. These practitioner-industry relationships assist in developing new drugs, devices and therapies and in providing medical education aimed at improving quality of care and enhancing clinical outcomes. At the same time, UH understands that these relationships may create a conflict of interest. In providing this information, UH desires to assist patients in talking with their practitioners about industry relationships and how those relationships may impact their medical care.

UH practitioners seek advance approval for certain new industry relationships. In addition, practitioners report their industry relationships and activities, as well as those of their immediate family members, to the UH Office of Outside Interests annually. We review these reports and implement management plans, as appropriate, to address conflicts of interest that may arise in connection with medical research, clinical care and purchasing decisions.

View UH’s policy (PDF) on practitioner-industry relationships.

As of December 31, 2016, Steven Shein did not disclose any Outside Relationships with Industry.