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Find University Hospitals Doctors
Deborah Reed, MD

Deborah Reed, MD

(5.0) , 25 Reviews

Office Locations

UH Medina Health Center (29 mi.)

4001 Carrick Dr
Ste 170
Medina, OH 44256

UH Cleveland Medical Center Bolwell (0 mi.)

11100 Euclid Ave
Bolwell 5th Floor
Cleveland, OH 44106

UH Cleveland Minoff Health Center (7 mi.)

3909 Orange Pl
Ste 2300
Beachwood, OH 44122

Biography: Deborah Reed, MD


  • Headache Management


  • Clinical Assistant Professor, CWRU School of Medicine

Certifications & Memberships

  • Neurology - American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
  • Headache Medicine, United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties


Residency | Neurology
Neurology - University Hospitals Of Cleveland (1999 - 2001)

Residency | Neurological Surgery
Neurological Surgery - University Hospitals Of Cleveland (1993 - 1999)

Internship | General Surgery
General Surgery - University Hospitals Of Cleveland (1992 - 1993)

Medical Education
Creighton University School Of Medicine (1992)

University Of California Los Angeles (1988)


Watch Provider’s Health Talks

Deborah Reed, MD, FAHS, specializes in the field of headache medicine at University Hospitals. She is an Associate Professor of Neurology and Director of the Headache Program at University Hosptials / Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine.

She received her BS from UCLA in kinesiology with honors. Dr. Reed graduated from Creighton University with an MD and completed her neurology residency at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center.

She sees patients with residents in her clinic, assists residents with Botox injections for chronic migraines, and has multiple research projects with current residents. Residents have had opportunities to travel to national and international meetings with these projects.

Dr. Reed is president and co-founder of the Great Lakes Regional Headache Society, which hosts an annual symposium highlighting thought leaders in the great lakes area. It is also responsible for pre-courses at the national meeting.

Dr Reed is active in CSF Pressure Disorders on local and national fronts and holds interdisciplinary meetings regularly for presntation of difficult cases. 

Dr. Reed is married with three children and enjoys motherhood, swimming, biking and everything outdoors.

Research & Publications

Research Interests


Patient Experience Reviews

5.0 out of 5
- based on 73 Ratings

Dr. Reed's staff as always was amazing & her nurse Karen was on top of everything.Dr. Reed (as always) lets me talk about other things going on medically that I may have concerns bc might affect what she is treating for, etc. She ALWAYS listens & I have NEVER (I can honestly say NEVER) left her office where she has simplified whatever the issue was & has taken worry off my mind and put things in perspective. She is extremely patient & always supportive no matter what is going on. I know I can trust her input and what she sees, hears, knows that may be difficult for me to verbalize appropriately esp when not sure what some new medical thing is & how affects overall health (Dr. Reed's treatment every 3 months is the only reason I can have normal days and not be stuck at b a dark room, have quality of life that would abuse has recommendation for something to improve quality of life she will bring up). I ALWAYS leave Dr. Reed's office better and less stressed/anxious about other things bc as an MD she has perspective I don't & I feel blessed she always listens & simplifies also providing positive outlook for improving health more w/her advice for anything I am not sure affects her (bc ultimately I'd be area of health isn't doing well it can disturb the balance of things). *** It is a privilege and blessing she is my physician and I am lucky she works w such fantastic people in her practice.


She's excellent.


Dr Reed is very compassionate and comfortable to talk over my concerns. She is always trying to help me with my migraines. I like that she doesnt give up trying to help


Excellent care from *** and Dr. Reed they worked seamlessly as a provider team.


Dr. Reed is one of my favorite doctors ever. She is very thorough and takes everything I say seriously and thinks through the logical next steps. I wish she was a pcp!


Dr. Reed is exceptional in her care, concern, and knowledge.


I really appreciate the care Dr Reed provides for me.


Excellent Doctor and staff! Thank you


I have had an excellent experience being treated by Dr. Reed. I have and will recommend her when needed.


Left very satisfied with all care and explanation. Very knowledgeable provider and resident student


Dr Deborah A Reed is the Best Neurologist in the WORLD


Excellent as always. The entire team is superb! I am grateful for them all.


Dr. Reed is the most thoughtful and thorough physician I have ever seen.


Dr. Reed has always been wonderful! She listens carefully and replies to all of my concerns. She respects my input and discusses what I should do.


Dr. Reed and ***her RN are the best, most responsive medical providers I have ever had.


The nurse is always great. The provider always takes the time to fully listen and understand what is going on. Would highly recommend. Great job all!


Absolutely a fantastic Dr.. Listens, explains, spends lots of time discussing everything..


Dr Reed is so AMAZING with her treatment of my chronic migraine. ***


I absolutely love Dr. Reed and her staff. They are amazing!


My appointment with Dr Reed was excellent and I look forward to working with her.




Dr Deborah Reed was absolutely the most caring Dr.. She spent a very long time with me.. Explaining everything, I never felt that she was in a rush .. Dr Reed was so kind to me and I felt she was an excellent DR.. I have even shared with family and friends how fantastic she was.


The experience with DrReed was great, this was my first time seeing her. ***


Very good nurse and doctor


Dr Reed is the best headache Doctor I have ever had.

Related Blog Articles

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Industry Relationships

University Hospitals is committed to transparency in our interactions with industry partners, such as pharmaceutical, biotech, or medical device companies. At UH, we disclose practitioner and their family members’ ownership and intellectual property rights that are or in the process of being commercialized. In addition, we disclose payments to employed practitioners of $5,000 or more from companies with which the practitioners interact as part of their professional activities. These practitioner-industry relationships assist in developing new drugs, devices and therapies and in providing medical education aimed at improving quality of care and enhancing clinical outcomes. At the same time, UH understands that these relationships may create a conflict of interest. In providing this information, UH desires to assist patients in talking with their practitioners about industry relationships and how those relationships may impact their medical care.

UH practitioners seek advance approval for certain new industry relationships. In addition, practitioners report their industry relationships and activities, as well as those of their immediate family members, to the UH Office of Outside Interests annually. We review these reports and implement management plans, as appropriate, to address conflicts of interest that may arise in connection with medical research, clinical care and purchasing decisions.

View UH’s policy (PDF) on practitioner-industry relationships.

As of December 31, 2016, Deborah Reed did not disclose any Outside Relationships with Industry.