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Find University Hospitals Doctors
Prateek Mendiratta, MD

Prateek Mendiratta, MD

(4.9) , 31 Reviews

Office Locations

UH Seidman Minoff Health Center (7 mi.)

3909 Orange Pl
Ste 4600
Beachwood, OH 44122

UH Seidman Cancer Center (0 mi.)

11100 Euclid Ave
1st Floor
Cleveland, OH 44106

UH Seidman Minoff Health Center (7 mi.)

3909 Orange Pl
Ste 1100
Beachwood, OH 44122

UH Seidman Mentor Health Center (20 mi.)

9485 Mentor Ave
Ste 3
Mentor, OH 44060


Biography: Prateek Mendiratta, MD


  • Genitourinary Malignancies


  • Assistant Professor, CWRU School of Medicine

Certifications & Memberships

  • Medical Oncology - American Board of Internal Medicine
  • Internal Medicine - American Board of Internal Medicine


Fellowship | Experimental Therapeutics
Experimental Therapeutics - Cleveland Clinic (2017 - 2018)

Fellowship | Hematology/Oncology
Hematology/Oncology - Duke University Hospital (2006 - 2009)

Residency | Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine - Northwestern Memorial Hospital (2002 - 2005)

Medical Education
Virginia Commonwealth University School Of Medicine (2002)

Virginia Commonwealth University (1998)

Patient Experience Reviews

4.9 out of 5
- based on 112 Ratings

Friendly and Professional service


He has taken very good care of my illness to the best of his and the hospitals abilities.




Good over-all experience to work through my health problem..


Very impressed with the physician, nurses and reception personnel. Excellent concern by all staff.


Everyone was on point along with my Imput and suggestion


Good experience with Dr. Prateek Mendiratta


Visit went well and moved forward with the next step.


Very much impressed with the professionalism and caring and proactive attitude of the doctor and office staff. Feel being in good hands


Dr. Mendiratta is the best!!!!


Excellent Doctor


Doctor Prateek Mendiratta and staff were excellent! The only problem I have is with the UH text messages reminders that I get. One reminder would be sufficient for appointments. ***


Dr. Mendiratte and staff very professional and friendly. Always concerned about my health issues. Always took the time to explain everything and ask if I had any questions or concern. Excellent Job


I am very happy with Dr. Mendiratta. I would recommend him to everyone I know.


Very professional


I have been treated for cancer by Dr Mendiratta for many years. He cares about you as a person, helps you get through all the insurances, an stays up to date on all the new treatments. The staff at his office are also very helpful. They are great to have in your corner when fighting cancer!


When I get a scan of anytype I expect to be able to visually see the scan and have it explained to me. Dr. Mendritta is the only one of my doctors who has done this. He is the best.


DR Mendiratta takes very good care of me. He's great


Dr Mendiratta did not receive all of my medical records before the appointment, this was a second opinion for my cancer.***


Outstanding, my doctor is fantastic


UH doctors and staff are great


Always knowledgeable,inquisitive and concerned about my physical and mental health.




Excellent care




Very impressed with Dr. Mendiratta, Easy to understand and very thorough. Best doctor visit I have ever had. He had all the test results at his finger tips and was able to explain everything at a level I could understand. I am not impressed with your computer records system. I have corrected my medication and supplements at my last several visits and everytime I come back it seems to still be wrong. Also not impressed with the preliminary blood pressure and weight process.


Dr Mendirratta has been helping me fight cancer for many years. He is well prepared, knows my medical history, easy to talk with, and helps put a plan together. He has been great in helping through the journey!


Very good experience


Great care and attention


Excellent Doctor. He care about his cancer patients and takes into consideration all medical conditions whether being treated by him or someone else.


So far very good care. ***

Industry Relationships

University Hospitals is committed to transparency in our interactions with industry partners, such as pharmaceutical, biotech, or medical device companies. At UH, we disclose practitioner and their family members’ ownership and intellectual property rights that are or in the process of being commercialized. In addition, we disclose payments to employed practitioners of $5,000 or more from companies with which the practitioners interact as part of their professional activities. These practitioner-industry relationships assist in developing new drugs, devices and therapies and in providing medical education aimed at improving quality of care and enhancing clinical outcomes. At the same time, UH understands that these relationships may create a conflict of interest. In providing this information, UH desires to assist patients in talking with their practitioners about industry relationships and how those relationships may impact their medical care.

UH practitioners seek advance approval for certain new industry relationships. In addition, practitioners report their industry relationships and activities, as well as those of their immediate family members, to the UH Office of Outside Interests annually. We review these reports and implement management plans, as appropriate, to address conflicts of interest that may arise in connection with medical research, clinical care and purchasing decisions.

View UH’s policy (PDF) on practitioner-industry relationships.

As of December 31, 2016, Prateek Mendiratta did not disclose any Outside Relationships with Industry.